親の試合: Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed III Remastered



アサシン クリードIII リマスター』では、グラフィックが向上し、ゲームプレイの仕組みも改善されており、アメリカ革命を追体験することも、初めて体験することも可能です。また、『アサシン クリード リベレーション』リマスター版とすべてのソロDLCコンテンツも収録しています。


アサシン クリードIII』を象徴するような、より強化されたグラフィックでプレイできます。4K解像度、新しいキャラクターモデル、洗練された環境レンダリングなど。ゲームプレイのメカニックも一新され、体験と没入感が向上しています。

ワシントン王の暴虐」を含む、オリジナルのソロDLCもすべて収録しています。アサシン クリード リベレーション リマスター』。

Assassin's Creed III Remastered アクティベーション手順

Assassin's Creed III Remastered レビュー&レーティング

Review by MANXMAN76 [user]

WTF this is the worst remaster ever you couldn't even fix the problems that we had with it in the first place not only that even patched It'sWTF this is the worst remaster ever you couldn't even fix the problems that we had with it in the first place not only that even patched It's worse than ever can't replay missions to get full synchronization and the BS with crashes and honestly it looks worse than the original.

Review by DKurac [user]

This was my first time playing both AC3 and ACL even though I played every other AC game. So it was nice to finally finish all pre RPG ACThis was my first time playing both AC3 and ACL even though I played every other AC game. So it was nice to finally finish all pre RPG AC games.AC3 - Definitely the worst AC game ever made. I finally understood why this game got so much hate and well it was deserved. They have tried to implement so many new things after Ezio trilogy and somehow everything they did was terrible. Even remastering graphic made so many bugs. There are only 2 things I would consider good. First is Connor personality. I kinda like him as an assassin. Second thing is animations of settlers. Those are really good. Overall it is at most 5/10 game.ACL - This is smaller game compared to main AC games but it is perfection. Not a single thing that would annoyed me. On the other hand some things I really love. For example having 3 personas is maybe the best idea they had. Also there is most beautiful loading screen in the entire series. Amazing game 10/10.

Review by nnevill [user]

Played the in late 2020 and as all bugs has been fixed I could say that this is one of the best story in the AC series. Graphics is also muchPlayed the in late 2020 and as all bugs has been fixed I could say that this is one of the best story in the AC series. Graphics is also much better than in AC2 but not much better than in AC2:Revelations.

Review by Butterwastaken [user]

Feels like a game made in 4 months. I dont understand how you can make a remaster worse. Unresponsive animations, very buggy, horrible freeFeels like a game made in 4 months. I dont understand how you can make a remaster worse. Unresponsive animations, very buggy, horrible free running. How did Ubisoft manage to mess up such a great game

Review by DrannikWoW [user]

By far the worst AAA game ever made... ESPECIALLY for a remaster. The remaster is even more buggy than the original, and they did nothing toBy far the worst AAA game ever made... ESPECIALLY for a remaster. The remaster is even more buggy than the original, and they did nothing to make the flow of the mechanics feel any better, if anything it’s worse. They took a terrible game, made it operate worse and then slapped some paint on it to call it “pretty”. Do not buy.

公開日 2019-03-29
発行 Ubisoft Barcelona, Ubisoft Entertainment
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG)
テーマ アクション, オープンワールド, ヒストリカル, サンドボックス, ステルス
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia