Bleeding Edge



DmC: Devil May Cry』や『Hellblade: Senua's S Sacrifice』の制作スタジオが贈る、高速で熱狂的な4対4のチーム・ブローラー『Bleeding Edge』は、すべてのファイターがメカニック的に強化されており、大混乱を引き起こす。


Bleeding Edge アクティベーション手順

Bleeding Edge レビュー&レーティング

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)

Bleeding Edge is an adrenaline soaked game. Chaotic gameplay and very uneven matchmaking is making it hard to enjoy for beginners and its weird design is hard to swallow for older player. But it still has its charm.

Review by GabFire [user]

Um dos piores jogos do Xbox One e de toda geração, consegue ser ruim e repetitivo em todos os aspectos, resolveram copiar o Overwatch, masUm dos piores jogos do Xbox One e de toda geração, consegue ser ruim e repetitivo em todos os aspectos, resolveram copiar o Overwatch, mas fizeram uma salada de frutas com legumes, o jogo não tem nada de interessante, não recomendo, quem tiver Xbox One vai de Ori ou Gears 5 que é melhor.

Review by PLAY! Zine

Bleeding Edge brings refreshments to the hero-shooter genre, with complex gameplay, variability in play-styles and crazy characters. Unfortunately, the content offered here is not much, and Ninja Theory should work on this aspect in the future.

Review by Lordbadface [user]

Mas mierda mediocre y mala de Microsoft.Arruinando estudios despues de compralos como EA.Y haciendolos poner propaganda de justicia social.Mas mierda mediocre y mala de Microsoft.Arruinando estudios despues de compralos como EA.Y haciendolos poner propaganda de justicia social. Como cualquier empresa AAA.Que desperdicio de juego para rellenar Game Pass.

Review by Cubed3

Bleeding Edge has almost nothing to offer. What potential it has in it is woefully stuck in a product that is so meagre and void of content. It is like taking a single slice of cheese, and trying to cover an entire pizza pie; there just not enough here to make this work passed a few hours, and that's all. There are not enough modes, not enough interest in the community to keep it going, and the combat is way too simplistic for high level play.

公開日 2020年3月24日
発行 Ninja Theory, Ninja Theory, Xbox Game Studios
コンテンツ評価 T (Teen)
ゲームモード マルチプレイヤー, マルチプレイ
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル ファイティング, ファイティング
テーマ アクション, アクション
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One