Bound By Flame



Bound by Flameは、プレイヤーが自分のキャラクターをカスタマイズすることができます。主人公を作成する際に、プレイヤーは性別を選択し、顔の特徴を自由に変更することができます。もちろん、悪魔の外見にも影響を与える。

Bound by Flameは、様々なチャプターを通じて、一次的な冒険を中心に多くのクエストを提供します。プレイヤーの選択と悪魔の影響により、いくつかの章では異なるシナリオが展開され、異なる体験をすることができます。Bound by Flame』にはクラフトシステムも搭載されており、防具や武器などの装備を作成したり改良したりすることができます。探索中は複数の仲間が加わり、プレイヤーの行動次第で友情、恋愛、ライバル関係に発展していきます。また、クラフトを使うことで、武器や防具を他のゲームよりも深くカスタマイズすることができます。例えば、剣の刃と柄を別々に変えることができ、見た目が変わるだけでなく、例えば、クリット+4、スピード+3といった属性も変化させることが可能です。1つは斧やハンマーなどの武器で、ゆっくりとした重い攻撃でダメージを与え、押し・蹴りの能力で敵の邪魔をしたり防御を崩したりするもので、もう1つは短剣などの小さな武器で素早く攻撃し、ドッジ能力で敵の攻撃をかわしたりします。3つ目は火属性の攻撃で大きなダメージを与えるスタイルで、他の2つの戦闘スタイルと組み合わせることで、火属性のダメージを持つ武器を強化したりすることが可能です。3つのスタイルにはそれぞれスキルツリーがあり、パッシブ・アビリティとアクティブ・アビリティが用意されています。戦闘中は武器による攻撃以外に、クロスボウやトラップ、スキルツリーで獲得したアビリティを使用することができます。



Bound By Flame アクティベーション手順

Bound By Flame レビュー&レーティング

Review by Nerp47 [user]

Much Like Spiders' previous game, Mars: War logs. Bound by Flame is a good game held back by a small budget.Pros:+Combat is slow,tactical and enjoyable.+Combat animations are well made.+Music quality is top tier but isn't used to it's full effect+The game succeeds in presenting a dark and gritty world in which most of everyone is dead or dying.+The Crafting system is well made and incentivises exploring and looking for Materials.+Materials are almost never hard to come by, and if you're like me, you like to explore every nook and cranny looking for something.+The game offers a wide range of weapons and armour and all of them are made differently. As far as i remember, not once did i come across a weapon that looked exactly like another weapon.+Character personalities are a huge step up from Spiders' previous games with a handful of characters really standing out.+Boss battles were surprisingly well done most of the time.Cons:-Once again,while the story is not bad, it's still not good. The story feels (again) like a book poorly implemented into a videogame. The only difference is that this time the pacing is better-Voice acting is mostly bad around the board with a handful of characters sounding right sometimes,while other times it's really bad.-Combat can feel quite unfair depending on how you use your skill points. Making some parts of the game downright impossible at harder difficulties unless you make your character perfect.-The game stresses your role in the Freeborn Blades quite a few times but falls flat, because the only weapon relating to your role is a mine that,unless made in bulk and spammed, becomes pretty useless later on.-Throwing in a new companion character so close to the end of the game, only to have that character be the most interesting one in the game.-Vulcan always sounds like an **** even when doing good things which feels really out of place, and sometimes feels like the developers wanted you to play the game as an evil character. Still a massive improvement over Roy from Mars War Logs.In the end. Bound by Flame is a mediocre game made by ambitious people but held back by a small budget and maybe even inexperience. Here's hoping we get a game set in the same universe with a bigger budget in the vein of The Technomancer.

Review by Joshdad [user]

I fail to understand why the official critics are bashing this game. It offers solid fun gameplay - somewhat reminiscent to Dark Souls seriesI fail to understand why the official critics are bashing this game. It offers solid fun gameplay - somewhat reminiscent to Dark Souls series in that button mashing gets you killed fast and strategic approach reaps wonderful rewards. I am not saying this game is on par with Dark Souls (no fantasy game ever is, period!), just that it offers solid hours of fun challenge and even more fun exploration with multiple hidden routes. Turn off the map to elevate the sense of adventure and excitement of the unknown, and invest some time talking to various NPCs which often lead to hilarious conversation. Oh! did I mention fun trap setting to blowing the oblivious enemies? A delightful surprise game of the year!

Review by XGN

Bound by Flame isn't the best RPG that the industry has to offer. But underneath the rough edges there's still a surprisingly enjoyable game.

Review by ShadowPixel [user]

Great atmosphere, diverse characters, interesting storyline with fun choices. Really smooth combat! It feels like Witcher 2 and Reckoning cameGreat atmosphere, diverse characters, interesting storyline with fun choices. Really smooth combat! It feels like Witcher 2 and Reckoning came together and had a baby. A bad ass baby, that knows how to have fun! It's not a perfect game, but for some reason I really like it. It's somewhat linear, but that has the positive effect of making the story told much tighter.I recommend anyone who likes fantasy RPGs to try it out. There is a lot of satire in the dialogues, so make sure you bring your sense of humor.

Review by Post Arcade (National Post)

With the storytelling of Mass Effect, the fighting system of the Witcher, and environments taken right from Dragon Age and the Elder Scrolls, Bound By Flame is perhaps the least original game ever made.

公開日 2014年5月6日
発行 Spiders, Focus Entertainment
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), ロールプレイング(RPG)
テーマ アクション, アクション, ファンタジー, ファンタジー
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One