Medieval: Total War



血にまみれた壮大な中世を体験しよう。西ヨーロッパの緑豊かな草原から北アフリカの乾燥した砂漠まで、第一回十字軍からコンスタンティノープルの陥落まで、外交、貿易、スパイ活動、暗殺を駆使し、宗教を広め、総力戦を繰り広げて影響力を拡大し、4 世紀にわたる王朝の帝国を築き上げましょう。

Total Warは、2000年に発売されたShogun- Total Warの続編である。Shogun」と同様、ゲームは2つのセクションに分かれている。ターン制のキャンペーン・マップでは、プレイヤーは戦略的な決断を下し、軍隊を募集して動かし、集落を包囲し、海戦を戦い、使者やスパイ、暗殺者などのエージェントを雇って外交を援助したり、同盟や賄賂を提供したり、より秘密めいた行動を実行したりすることが求められる。


Medieval: Total War アクティベーション手順

Medieval: Total War レビュー&レーティング

Review by Vladaimmortal [user]

Best game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm iBest game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm i still play it active after 10 years

Review by Vladaimmortal [user]

Best game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm iBest game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm i still play it active after 10 years

Review by NickR [user]

Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Multiplayer is amazingly fun. Bullet Physics is awesome. Love that it is not run and gun but slow and deliberate tactics in gun battles.

Review by NickR [user]

Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Multiplayer is amazingly fun. Bullet Physics is awesome. Love that it is not run and gun but slow and deliberate tactics in gun battles.

Review by TedBundy [user]

Though it desperately could use a patch for modern systems, as it crashes on post 8 series of Nvidia cards -- it's still the best Total Though it desperately could use a patch for modern systems, as it crashes on post 8 series of Nvidia cards -- it's still the best Total War game to date. Everything that was released after this became bloated, shined up and streamlined for the graphic whore children of today. The classic game board style, while not offering as many specific placements as the newer games, had a great design and Risk-like charm of its own that's sorely missing with all the newer mediocre games CA keep churning out. The AI was also superior to its sequels in the campaign map and with the XL mod, this game will last you for ages. If you have an older PC or video card, stick with this one.

公開日 2002年8月19日
発行 The Creative Assembly, Activision
総合評価 86%
コンテンツ評価 T (Teen)
ゲームモード マルチプレイヤー, マルチプレイ, シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 バードビュー/アイソメトリック, 鳥瞰図 / アイソメトリック
ジャンル タクティカル, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS), リアルタイムストラテジー(RTS), タクティカル, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS), リアルタイム・ストラテジー(RTS)
テーマ ヒストリカル, 戦争, ファンタジー, 4X(探検、拡大、開拓、駆逐), 歴史的, 戦争, ファンタジー, 4X(探検、拡大、搾取、駆除)
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows)