Prototype 2




Prototype 2は、Activisionがパブリッシャー、Radical Entertainmentが開発したオープンワールド型アクションゲームである。Prototypeの直接の続編であり、2010年のSpike Video Game Awardsで発表された。





ゲラから得た情報をもとに、ヘラーはブラックネット端末をハッキングし、さまざまな妨害工作を行う。ブラックウォッチを徐々に攻略していったヘラーは、やがてケーニッヒにたどり着く。ケーニッヒは自分の味方だと言い、ブラックウォッチのスーパーソルジャー計画(コードネーム「オリオン」)を暴露する。ヘラーはオリオン計画を阻止する。ヘラーは、自分のDNAを注入されたスーパーソルジャーを殺すことで、オリオン計画の進行を阻止する。科学者を殺したヘラーは、ケーニッヒが自分の弱点を見つけるために彼を観察していたことを知る。ケーニッヒの裏切りに激怒したヘラーは、彼を追跡し、彼が自分とマーサーに似た力を持っており、マーサーがジェンテックとブラックウォッチに仕込んだ複数の「進化した」エージェントの一人であることを突き止める。マーサーがGentekとBlackwatchに送り込んだ "Evolved "エージェントの一人であることがわかった。博士を倒し、食べたマーサーは、NYZを支配するために博士を採用しようとしているとヘラーに明かす。疑問を抱いたゲラは、マーサーが2度目のウィルスを放出したペン・ステーションでのビデオテープをヘラーに見せ、その場所でウィルスに感染させる。

マーサーの欺瞞に怒ったヘラーは、マーサーの子分を追い詰めるためグリーンゾーンに向かう。その中には、ゲンテックのエージェント、サブリナ・ギャロウェイも含まれていた。ギャロウェイの協力のもと、ヘラーはマーサーが "ホワイトライト "という、感染と進化を防ぐどころか加速させる汚染されたワクチンを使って全世界を感染させようと計画していることを突き止める。



Prototype 2 アクティベーション手順

Prototype 2 レビュー&レーティング

Review by SteamedHams [user]

Tons of fun and action-packed carnage, made all the better by NG+ playthroughs on higher difficulties once all abilities are unlocked. It'sTons of fun and action-packed carnage, made all the better by NG+ playthroughs on higher difficulties once all abilities are unlocked. It's never particularly challenging but the spectacle and scale of brutality is never a disappointment. It's such a pity the company was closed down and we won't see another instalment.

Review by Last_hope [user]

Good optimization on the PC. The plot has become more interesting than in the first Prototype, but if you have not delved into the plot of the previous game, you may get confused, but the game tries to explain everything to you as you progress. Something bad can not be said about the fighting, as it was emphasized in both parts, a pleasant innovation in the form of a combination of weapons with which you can turn beautiful and fast combos. We still have claws, a blade, hands hammers and a whip, just as our main character has acquired new weapons and capabilities. They are a bio bomb and tentacles, but we were deprived of the opportunity to build armor and muscles, they also took two types of vision, the infected person’s vision and infrared vision, but they weren’t used by anyone, but in exchange they made it possible to call for help not a large flock of infected screamers. The characters have become more interesting and memorable.There are more enemies than in the first part, namely, we got juggernauts and goliaths, and the developed ones who sometimes act as Mercer's minions and are like mini bosses. The graphics became more beautiful and the city felt more vibrant. What can I say about technology, now we have the ability to quickly finish off and the ability to tear rockets from a helicopter or a machine gun from a tank. For me personally, the minus in the game is that we are now playing not for Alex Mercer but for James Heller. We can play for Mercer, but only have a skin no more. For me, this is a big minus of prototype 2, because with the charismatic and cold creator of the virus we were given the chance to play as a sergeant’s boring and obsessed revenge. I advise you to buy the game in Steam for the full amount along with the DLS, since you definitely will not want to spend money.

Review by Daemorth3 [user]

Same as the first game, HORRIBLE PC port. Playing with mouse and keyboard is really hard and tiring. But not only the controls, the fps jumpsSame as the first game, HORRIBLE PC port. Playing with mouse and keyboard is really hard and tiring. But not only the controls, the fps jumps around from 20 fps back up to it's original place A LOT, and crashes do happen from time to time. Get yourself a controller to play with and the controls will be just fine though.Apart from the negatives, this game is very entertaining. If I would rate it on the console I'd give it a solid 7 for it's (not so well written but) interesting story, mind-blowing non-stop slaughter action and it's very efficient way of letting you roam the streets and rooftops of New York . I'd say this is the evil version of Spider Man.

Review by ChrisLight [user]

Pro of Prototype 2-Much much better graphic-Storyline is better-The ending is epic-It is very fun to messing around in green zonePro of Prototype 2-Much much better graphic-Storyline is better-The ending is epic-It is very fun to messing around in green zoneCons of Prototype 2-Prototype 2's mission focused on sneaking to consume some your target sneaky,Prototype 1 focused using the special ability on most of mission-Heller run slower than Alex-Alex's power is better than Heller's power-Shield too OP,it is possible to complete a mission by deflecting bullet and rockets-After you complete everything,Prototype 2 is getting very boring-Why do they make Alex became very evil person?

Review by Absolute Games

By blindly copying the first game, Radical killed most of its originalideas and made a lot of mistakes. Prototype 2 is a derivative tale ofa stupid superhuman who walks in a city made of shoeboxes.

公開日 2012年4月24日
発行 Activision, Radical Entertainment
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, プラットフォーム, ハック&スラッシュ/ビート&アップ, アドベンチャー, プラットフォーム, ハック&スラッシュ/ビート・アップ
テーマ アクション, ホラー, サバイバル, サイエンスフィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス, アクション, ホラー, サバイバル, サイエンス・フィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One