Raging Justice



「Raging Justiceは、2Dスクロールブローラーという古典的なジャンルを21世紀へと導く、現代的なゲームです。

謎の犯罪王によって身代金を要求された街で、2人の破天荒な警官、ニッキー・レイジとリック・ジャスティスが、誰も法律の上に立つことはできないことを証明するために戦います。一人で犯罪界に挑むか、友人を誘って協力プレイで挑むか、Raging Justice は敵を倒す方法を数多く提供します。バーでの喧嘩をバースツールで切り抜ける、芝刈り機で敵をなぎ倒す、恐ろしいボスと戦うなど、良い警官と悪い警官のどちらでプレイするかはあなた次第です。犯罪者を逮捕するのか、それとも地面に叩きつけるのか?あなたが選んだ道には結果があり、別のエンディングへとつながっていきます。

Raging Justiceは、クラシックな時代から生まれた現代的なゲームです。オンラインマルチプレイ、スタイリッシュなストップモーション効果のあるHDグラフィック、大音量のサウンドトラックなど、「Raging Justice」は妥協を許さない。"



Raging Justice アクティベーション手順

Raging Justice レビュー&レーティング

Review by VidGamingFather [user]

My Video Review:https://youtu.be/XJG7998caMURaging Justice is not a bad beat ‘em up game but could have definitely been better with aMy Video Review:https://youtu.be/XJG7998caMURaging Justice is not a bad beat ‘em up game but could have definitely been better with a little bit more effort put into it. I have found quite a lot of pros there - dynamic neverending action, satisfactory effect of weapons, partially interactive environment, solid variety of enemies including bosses, balanced difficulty, responsive controls and solid graphics and sounds. But I have also found many cons there - that everyone is going after you at the same time logic which almost does not give you a chance to think through your attacks, slowness of your character, strange hitboxes sometimes, absence of any character development or something else that would enhance the gameplay and generic music. Is Raging Justice suitable for family playing? Well, it contains local multiplayer (which is another plus by the way), the stages are short and the gameplay is dynamic enough so the answer is yes.Pros:- dynamic action- weapons effect- environment- variety of enemies- difficulty- controls- local multiplayerCons:- everyone is going after you at the same time- slowness of your character- hitboxes- absence of character development- no dubbing- musicI would lie if I say that I would not have enjoyed the game but it would be even more enjoyable without some controversial decisions that spoil the gameplay. I am giving Raging Justice Thumb Up and VideoGaming Father’s Index 7- out of 10 - recommended with some discount.

Review by churros [user]

Pros:+ responsive controls+ the arresting mechanic is fun+ multiple difficulty levels and optional challengesCons:- uglyPros:+ responsive controls+ the arresting mechanic is fun+ multiple difficulty levels and optional challengesCons:- ugly presentation- few animation frames- bad music- recycled bosses

Review by GameGrin

Overall Raging Justice should please fans of the genre and although it doesn't modernise beat 'em ups in any meaningful way, there is still a lot of fun to be had.

Review by ZTGD

Raging Justice is a game that is defined by its screenshots. One look and I knew exactly what I was getting. I wish there was more, I wish it was more fun, but at the end of the day it just felt too limited by its inspirations to stand out and be memorable.

Review by TheXboxHub

Raging Justice is a great addition to the beat ‘em up genre, and existing fans will enjoy the game hugely. It remains hugely faithful to the trendsetters of the genre – perhaps a little too much – yet has a couple of neat new features to separate it.

公開日 2018年5月8日
発行 MakinGames Ltd, Team17
コンテンツ評価 T (Teen)
ゲームモード コーポラティブ, マルチプレイヤー, シングルプレイヤー
プレーヤー視点 サイドビュー
ジャンル インディー, アーケード, ファイティング, ハック&スラッシュ/ビート&アップ
テーマ アクション, コメディ
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch