The Gardens Between



The Gardens Between』は、親友のアリーナとフリントが、美しい庭園の島々からなる不思議な世界へと落ちていく、記憶、瞬間、時間をめぐるシュールなパズルアドベンチャーです。プレイヤーは、過去や未来にさかのぼってそれぞれの庭の秘密を発見し、その過程で、友情、子供時代、成長についての物語を明らかにしていくことができます。

The Gardens Between アクティベーション手順

The Gardens Between レビュー&レーティング

Review by griefin [user]

The game is based around single gameplay mechanic, but it still gives enough riddles for unexperienced puzzle-gamer like me. I enjoyed artThe game is based around single gameplay mechanic, but it still gives enough riddles for unexperienced puzzle-gamer like me. I enjoyed art style though the ending seemed too dark and gloomy.

Review by Alexb1096 [user]

ITALIAN:Puzzle game molto breve (l'ho completato in 3 ore) ma molto originale e curato.Graficamente il gioco ha uno stile bellissimo,ITALIAN:Puzzle game molto breve (l'ho completato in 3 ore) ma molto originale e curato.Graficamente il gioco ha uno stile bellissimo, low poly e con tutte mappe circolari. Nonostante questa stilizzazione sono presenti belle e numerose animazioni, che rendono le location estremamente vive.Notevole la colonna sonora, mentre il resto del comparto audio è piuttosto basilare.Geniale l'idea alla base del gioco, in quanto non ci si può spostare ma si può controllare il tempo (avanti e indietro), oltre ad interagire con qualche oggetto. Il numero e la varietà di enigmi che sono riusciti a creare sfruttando quest'idea in un gioco così piccolo è sbalorditiva.I rompicapo inoltre risultano quasi sempre abbastanza difficili ma mai impossibili, e questo rende il gioco piacevole ed intrattenente.Molto bello che alcuni elementi non subiscano l'interruzione dello scorrere del tempo e quindi permettano di creare effetti particolari.A condire il tutto c'è una minimale ma empatica (soprattutto grazie alla colonna sonora) storia di amicizia. Oltre a brevi video presenti, la bella relazione tra i protagonisti è spesso evidenziata da alcuni gesti che compiono durante l'avventura.In conclusione, il gioco è molto breve ma divertente. Come gameplay forse renderebbe quasi meglio su smartphone o tablet, ma si perderebbe un po' dal lato emotivo. Consigliato come passatempo anche ai non amanti del genere.VOTO: 8.5/10

Review by nitorita [user]

Looking past the nice graphics and interesting time control puzzle mechanic, this game doesn't really have any story going on with it evenLooking past the nice graphics and interesting time control puzzle mechanic, this game doesn't really have any story going on with it even though it's designed to be atmospheric. You simply progress from level to level without ever knowing what's going on. The conclusion clears up a bit of the mystery behind the story, but by that point it's just not meaningful anymore.The maps look interesting, as if you're inside a dream-like world. Since there's only three buttons in the game (forward, back, and interact), there isn't a whole lot of complexity. The puzzles might not be super difficult, but they still require more than a few minutes to solve, and they get progressively harder.Overall, this game is a decent way to burn a few hours of your time if you have nothing else to do and want to play a puzzle game. At the design level, it's really just a mobile game that's been ported to PC. It looks pleasant and is optimized, but that's all. I generously give this a borderline 7 (it's more like a 6.5 though).On a side note, the XGP version has an issue with cloud saves, so you might end up losing progress if it doesn't properly sync with Microsoft's servers. This happened to me once early on, which was a minor inconvenience, but still one nonetheless. Since the game isn't long, try to get it done in one sitting.

Review by

The Gardens Between's story certainly does not shine but the game features a brilliant concept and artistic design and delivers a truly enjoyable experience.

Review by jeffbizloc [user]

The Gardens Between was a pleasant surprise to me. Though it only lasted about 3 hours, the quality over quantity is appreciated.Game(s)The Gardens Between was a pleasant surprise to me. Though it only lasted about 3 hours, the quality over quantity is appreciated.Game(s) like: BraidPros:- Always enjoy timestop puzzles - the puzzles weren't too complicated but it is nice to have a relaxing game that still makes you think a bit- Very inviting world, sound, and storyCons:- I wanted more levels and puzzle mechanics

公開日 2018年9月20日
発行 The Voxel Agents
コンテンツ評価 E (Everyone)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー
プレーヤー視点 サイドビュー, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, インディー, パズル
テーマ ファンタジー, ミステリー
プラットフォーム Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Google Stadia