The Uncertain: Light At The End



The Uncertain』は、ポストアポカリプスの世界を舞台としたストーリー主導型のアドベンチャーゲームです。人類は地球上から姿を消し、ロボットに取って代わられました。生存者の一人であるエミリーと共に、ロボットに支配された世界で人々がどのように生きようとするのかを目撃することになります。

The Uncertain: Light At The End アクティベーション手順

The Uncertain: Light At The End レビュー&レーティング

Review by Cubed3

Post-apocalyptic settings can be many things, but boring should never be one of them, and The Uncertain: Light at the End is unfortunately exactly that, with its mediocre to bad writing, forgettable world and characters, and okay-ish to lacklustre puzzles. Even the best thing on offer, which is the design of each area, fails to leave an impact. The graphics are nice, but visual appeal and atmosphere are almost non-existent.

Review by Sahara-sands [user]

It was quite an underwhelming ending and the game could have been a lot shorter if it wasnt for some of the missions that are just a waste of time.

Review by andy_andy [user]

i'm just shocked to see the game that has 6 peak daily players not delivered to influencers. devs don't care? "publishers"? "promoters"?i'm just shocked to see the game that has 6 peak daily players not delivered to influencers. devs don't care? "publishers"? "promoters"? noone? you put so much work, invest money, and get 6 daily players?

Review by Gfinity

The Uncertain is a difficult game to discuss because it seems so hell-bent on getting in its own way. For every great choice that has been made, a new issue is just around the corner – Good voice acting? Terrible sound design. Great world visuals? Poorly designed characters. It’s truly a shame, as this game had so much potential and definitely wasn’t awful, but overall it just seems rushed and unfinished, with a story that’s over way too quickly.

Review by The Digital Fix

Nothing about The Uncertain: Light at the End demands investment, unfortunately. A lot of work has gone into producing the game in terms of world design and presentation, albeit rather uninspired and derivative in execution, but the game design choices keep you at arm's length at all times. There are many alternatives to The Uncertain: Light at the End out there, more deserving of your time and money.

公開日 2020年10月8日
発行 ComonGames
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, インディー, パズル
テーマ アクション, サイエンスフィクション
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows)