親の試合: Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1: Revolution



バトルフィールドコミュニティに参加して、全面戦争の夜明けを迎えよう。第一次世界大戦の語られざる章が、同梱のバトルフィールド 1 プレミアムパスと比類なきバトルフィールド 1体験を通じて、比類なき迫力でよみがえります。

バトルフィールド 1 Revolutionでは、大規模なチームベースのマルチプレイヤーバトルを通じて、第一次世界大戦の世界に飛び込むことができます。陸、空、海でのユニークな戦闘ロールがあり、同じ戦いはありません。また、シングルプレイヤーのウォー・ストーリーズ・キャンペーンで、戦時中の世界を体験することもできます。



Battlefield 1: Revolution アクティベーション手順

Battlefield 1: Revolution レビュー&レーティング

Review by mrnice [user]

Battlefield 4 was the series' definitive masterpiece so far, but Battlefield 1 can be very impressive and engrossing, even without helicoptersBattlefield 4 was the series' definitive masterpiece so far, but Battlefield 1 can be very impressive and engrossing, even without helicopters and Jetskis. The 20 extra maps from DLC, included in Revolution pack, add hugely to the initial map offerings. Battlefield Revolution is one of the largest-scale FPS games on PS4, and the hectic multiplayer can keep you addicted for 100 hours or more. The WW1 theme really fascinated me, with gorgeously detailed weapons, vehicles and military bases, and a decently well-made WW1 campaign for solo offline play. PROTIP: If you get annoyed by console controls, they can be manually improved in "Controller settings" to allow for instant quick responsiveness. You can find a video example on Youtube, by searching for battlefield 1 controller settings.

Review by ran35021 [user]

The game was good...we can give that to the developers...well doneThe gameplay is a bit too fast for my liking, but the game lookedThe game was good...we can give that to the developers...well doneThe gameplay is a bit too fast for my liking, but the game looked fantastic!For single players it's not really worth it. There is no replay value for Single PlayersLets talk about the Scum publisher at EA:if you plan on buying Revolution, thinking that all the DLC is on the disc - be warned...you getthe Day 01 Edition disc, with a 20gig - 40gig "download Coupon"...That's pathetic EA

Review by Bitek [user]

OMG This game is so much fun!I've been playing battlefield since it was released back in 2002 and this is first time in a long while whereOMG This game is so much fun!I've been playing battlefield since it was released back in 2002 and this is first time in a long while where I enjoy new Battlefield game as much as I enjoyed original Battlefield 1942, I feel like Battlefield franchise is finally back to its roots. The game play is intense and it is relentless. This is what i love about Battlefield. The new game modes are awesome. I really feel like I am a part of something much bigger. I need to applaud Dice for making this game as awesome as it is. I would not even mention graphics which are really nice. Probably the best on the console ever. They really look great on my PS4 Pro. I highly recommend this game especially that this release is a great value with all map packs included.As to all those 0 reviews. Get a life. Just because you are upset about Battlefront 2 is not the reason to give this game 0 rating. One has nothing to do with the other. Pick up this game. You will enjoy it !

Review by Chryseus [user]

Published by one of the most hated companies in the gaming industry that treats its players like scum, do not buy this game under anyPublished by one of the most hated companies in the gaming industry that treats its players like scum, do not buy this game under any circumstances EA doesn't deserve a single cent of your money.

Review by Chryseus [user]

Published by one of the most hated companies in the gaming industry that treats its players like scum, do not buy this game under anyPublished by one of the most hated companies in the gaming industry that treats its players like scum, do not buy this game under any circumstances EA doesn't deserve a single cent of your money.

公開日 2017年8月1日
発行 Electronic Arts, EA Digital Illusions CE
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード マルチプレイヤー, マルチプレイ, シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 第一人者, 一人称
ジャンル シューター, シューター
テーマ アクション, ヒストリカル, 戦争, アクション, 歴史的, 戦争
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One