Bridge Project








Bridge Project コミュニティから無料のレベルをダウンロードし、コンペティションに参加しましょう。 主な機能 詳細な 3D オブジェクトを含む、まったく新しいゲーム内グラフィック
電車、車、船に加え、バスや戦車などの乗り物もテスト可能あなたの橋 さまざまな乗り物の重量や安定性のテスト、嵐や地震などの自然現象のテストを拡張
48 の多彩で挑戦的なレベル: さまざまな町、峡谷、農村部
エディター機能 - 自分だけのレベルを作成し、他のプレイヤーと共有することができます。

Bridge Project アクティベーション手順

Bridge Project レビュー&レーティング

Review by dajhorn [user]

I suffered UI glitching that made Bridge Project unplayable. This game seems like a clone of the original Pontifex and Bridge ConstructionI suffered UI glitching that made Bridge Project unplayable. This game seems like a clone of the original Pontifex and Bridge Construction Set that were made by Chronic Logic years ago.

Review by Pzenarch [user]

Not the worst bridge building game, but a variety of issues keep it from being more than average. On the plus side, it's the prettiest of itsNot the worst bridge building game, but a variety of issues keep it from being more than average. On the plus side, it's the prettiest of its genre that I've seen. On the negative, the maps aren't that challenging, the physics simulation is temperamental (re-running the same simulation can often have very different results), and the hydraulic mechanics are similarly afflicted.It can be a fun distraction, and none of the levels are impossible, but it gets incredibly annoying having to re-run the simulations several times per build to get around the physics related bugs.

Review by Tim_McPackage [user]

This is a lazy rip off of a flash game called Cargo Bridge, you can find this on any good flash game website.Even most of the levels are theThis is a lazy rip off of a flash game called Cargo Bridge, you can find this on any good flash game website.Even most of the levels are the same, they only upgraded the graphics and called it a new game, poor form and a bad representation of Indie Games!

Review by CHIHWAHLI [user]

I am not a technical engineer. But started looking at the game, because it's somehow related to Christianity believe. I wanted to know how toI am not a technical engineer. But started looking at the game, because it's somehow related to Christianity believe. I wanted to know how to build bridges. Tried the first bridge and it collapsed. Started thinking, why? then tried again and succeeded. Trying to improve my design and create my own cheapest bridge possible.The controls needs time to get used too. There is an simple advanced construction user interface.The simple interface speaks for himself. There is an help button that tells some basic keyboard shortcuts. That helps, no need to look into a PDF manual....After construction you can test the bridge with a per-defined test. For the 1st bridge that is 2 cars drving towards the bridge in opposite direction. Followed by one heavy passenger bus. If all goes well you will pass these 2 tests and can continue or re-play this level and try to lower the building costs even more!You can activate the stress indication system, that will show which parts are being stressed in real-time as vehicles drive over it.Build bridges of simple wood only to steel structures....The graphics can be adjusted from night to day and any time between them, the reflections and shadows change with it off course.All in all I must say it's a refreshing game, not just the usual shooter, RPG genre. Well this time it's a bridge simulator. Have a build by trying the trial. And that's not a construction person speaking....

Review by Eurogamer Germany

Do yourselves a favor and continue to keep this as far away from your hard drive as possible. Even the most world-weary of trash and simulation enthusiasts should only give this a go if they're in desperate need to get rid of 20 bucks and the window is either broken or not in reach.

公開日 2012年10月19日
発行 Halycon Media, bitComposer Games
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
ジャンル パズル, パズル, シミュレータ, シミュレーター
テーマ サイエンスフィクション, サイエンス・フィクション
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows)