Chivalry 2




Chivalry 2は、壮大な中世映画のバトルにインスパイアされた、マルチプレイヤーファーストパーソンスラッシャーです。プレイヤーは、騎兵隊の突撃の轟音、炎の矢の嵐、広大な城の包囲など、この時代を象徴するあらゆる瞬間のアクションに身を投じることになります。

ジャンルを確立した初代『Chivalry』をさらに進化させた『Chivalry:Chivalry 2』では、リアルタイムの攻撃と自由自在なコンボシステムを組み合わせた全く新しい戦闘システムによって、プレイヤーは剣を極め、戦場で鋼鉄の旋風を巻き起こすことができます。複数の敵と戦うことを念頭に置いて作られた『Chivalry 2』の戦闘は、FPSと格闘ゲームの両方のジャンルの長所をミックスし、他に類を見ない近接戦闘を体験することができます。

Chivalry 2 アクティベーション手順

Chivalry 2 レビュー&レーティング

Review by SasoriRTS [user]

Chivalry 2 is a PERFECT GAME, it is 10/10 it is better than Mordhau easialy, and mordhau is amazing. Chivalry 2 is a masterpiece I love it.

Review by MaxPayneIsGod [user]

After originally giving it a 9/10 based on the pure fun I was having I need to amend my score.Several months after my purchase I can't findAfter originally giving it a 9/10 based on the pure fun I was having I need to amend my score.Several months after my purchase I can't find a game with more than 12 or so players in it.Since July I haven't been able to get into on of the 64 player clashes that I enjoyed so much.After taking a break in August when the player base was dwindling and jumping online late November nothing has changed.A quick search and I see that the devs are investigating server issues in my region.I have no problem with Insurgency Sandstorm, which I purchase after Chivalry 2, so why can't Chivarly get it right?I did enjoy it I did, but its an online only game and the servers a faulty.Game has been traded, score adjusted accordingly

Review by PROgam3r3x [user]

Server issues make this game unplayable. Poor hit detection and lag take all the fun out of this game. A shame because on release i would'veServer issues make this game unplayable. Poor hit detection and lag take all the fun out of this game. A shame because on release i would've given this game a 10/10.

Review by Exlex [user]

Good concept, but it's not beginner friendly at all. There doesn't seem to he any kind of match making, therefore, as a low level player youGood concept, but it's not beginner friendly at all. There doesn't seem to he any kind of match making, therefore, as a low level player you have to compete with and against high level players. The interface is catastrophic. No previews on certain items or voices. Controlls aren't intuitive at all For me not fun at all. I regret this purchase.

Review by Karottedraak [user]

Most fun I have had in a multiplayer game since battlefield 1.This game throws you into a medievil battle where you and your lads screamMost fun I have had in a multiplayer game since battlefield 1.This game throws you into a medievil battle where you and your lads scream to the enemy and bash their heads with a hammer. But seriously this game is the perfect go to game for if you are like me a casual gamer. No sweats like in all the BR games you see now and just pure fun and only in chivalry moments.The costumization in this game is also really good and almost non micro transactions until now! there is a lot to unlock and to play for.Only problem this game has is that it sometimes feels like it is still in beta but over time this will improve.

公開日 2021年6月8日
発行 Tripwire Interactive, Torn Banner Studios
総合評価 83%
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード マルチプレイヤー
プレーヤー視点 第一人者, 三人称
ジャンル インディー, タクティカル, プラットフォーム, ファイティング, ハック&スラッシュ/ビート&アップ
テーマ アクション, ヒストリカル, 戦争, コメディ
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S