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サイバーパンク2077は、CD Projektが開発・発売したロールプレイングビデオゲームです。サイバーパンクのフランチャイズから派生したこのゲームは、オープンワールド、ノンリニアRPG、FPSスタイルで、プレイヤーは自分のプレイスタイルに合うようにキャラクターを大幅にカスタマイズすることができる。銃の使用、探索、プレイヤーの選択、ハッキングなどのアクティビティがゲーム全体に大きく影響し、ミッション、クエスト、目標をさまざまな方法で達成することができます。また、ダイナミックな天候や昼夜逆転など、没入感のある世界観を実現します。
Cyberpunk 2077 アクティベーション手順
Cyberpunk 2077 レビュー&レーティング
this is not full of freedom open world game. just story game.There are many shops in the city, but most of them cannot even be entered.this is not full of freedom open world game. just story game.There are many shops in the city, but most of them cannot even be entered.Most interactions are too simple or non-existent.
Lo estoy jugando con el parche de nueva generacion y esta muy bien , todo muy pulido .Este juego tiene una ambientacion brutal y mecanicas deLo estoy jugando con el parche de nueva generacion y esta muy bien , todo muy pulido .Este juego tiene una ambientacion brutal y mecanicas de juego excelente , recomendado 100%
Off the top of my head I can’t think of another game with a backstory like Cyberpunk 2077. It’s fortunate that CDPR were able to spend the last year-plus continuing development of the game, listening to feedback, adding content, and fixing tons and tons of issues. Many games would simply not have gotten the extra time and money spent that Cyberpunk got, but this time CDPR got it right. Now is the right time to play this game; I’m not saying it’s flawless and perfect, but it’s nearly so, for such an elaborate, massive game. This is the game we were hoping for back in December 2020, but I’m reminded of the adage ‘better late than never.’ And that certainly applies here.
Despite significant technical and in-play improvements for this PS5 version, much of the game’s core remains unchanged. Quest design and storytelling, though not without their moments on the critical path, too often feel rife with unrealised potential. Cyberpunk 2077’s abrasive personality is still clear as day too, inescapable in its script and blaring out from Night City’s many questionable billboards. If you choose to venture into Night City, we hope you find what you’re looking for.
Despite its mismanaged launch, Cyberpunk is a success story. What began in December 2020 as an incomplete, often-unplayable sore spot for CD Projekt has become one of the most immersive RPGs I’ve ever played – one whose visuals, soundtrack, and narrative can go toe to toe with the strongest in the genre. Despite Cyberpunk’s technical headaches, I’ve enjoyed more than 40 hours in it and don’t see myself losing interest in its rich world or side content anytime soon. Cyberpunk’s botched beginnings warranted the scorn players treated it with, but if patch 1.5 is any indication, Night City’s future looks bright.
There are plenty of dropped or underexplored threads and lots of bugs still left to fix, but Cyberpunk is finally approaching what was initially promised to its audience. It’s certainly no Witcher 3. Still, for the first time, it feels like it’s crossed into the territory of a game worth getting lost in, with the potential for more polished additions in the future. In another universe, this was the original launch date for a much more feature-complete version. By contrast, in ours, Cyberpunk 2077 may finally be able to stand on its own feet as a solid gaming experience for those willing to give it a chance.
Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox Series X|S takes a very good but very familiar shooter RPG system and gameplay, and layers this incredibly designed world over it.
Cyberpunk 2077's ultimate console version reaffirms the splendid storytelling, exceptional city-building and varied gameplay of the original game, while also being more polished, enriched and finally featuring performance and visuals worthy of new consoles. There is no shortage of smears and residual issues, but it still stands as an excellent first-person RPG, set in a fascinating retro-sci-fi world full of things to do and compelling stories to live. Definitely a must-have.
Waited a whole year to play this thing. It was worth it! Plus Xbox had it for just $29.99 in their store at time of purchase(2/15/22).Waited a whole year to play this thing. It was worth it! Plus Xbox had it for just $29.99 in their store at time of purchase(2/15/22). I play it on a 55" with hdr/VRR and it looks tremendous. The sheer size of the game world is breathtaking especially during the driving parts. Great story, fun gameplay, excellent grafx, and minimal bugs.. Fun, fun, fun! and
CDPR with Cyberpunk 2077 is to create an almost unique immersive feeling where you can experience in first person Night City. With the next-gen patch, many of the countless game-breaking bugs have disappeared. But not all of them. The experience still has important flaws. Besides, it still doesn't have a decent police search system. All in all, this is undoubtedly the best version of the game, and everything good it did at launch is now much better. Adding that it finally feels like the ARPG it should have been at launch.
After Next Gen update it's a stunning masterpiece! Loved the gameplay, storytelling and characters. Yes, it's still a little big buggy, but inAfter Next Gen update it's a stunning masterpiece! Loved the gameplay, storytelling and characters. Yes, it's still a little big buggy, but in my opinion I enjoined it as a continue excitement of my senses. Loved everything, atmosphere is perfectly immersive as the original '80s RPG.
Thanks to its upgrade, Cyberpunk 2077 finally offers a gaming experience on PS5 and Xbox Series at the height of what it should have been at its launch in December 2020. More beautiful, more stable and better optimized than in backward compatibility : those who had waited for the next-gen patch will finally be able to enjoy the adventure in good conditions. But beyond these technical considerations, if patch 1.5 brings some welcome adjustments (more responsive crowd, improved but still perfectible driving and ergonomics...), the title remains globally identical to the PC version despite a less impressive visual rendering. More than a year after its release, Cyberpunk 2077 remains an RPG with a fascinating universe and impeccable writing that remains plagued by immersion-breaking bugs and an artificial intelligence that falls short. Now that CD Projekt has finally honored its promises, we can't wait to see what the Polish studio has in store for the future of its futuristic open-world with new DLCs.
Thanks to its upgrade, Cyberpunk 2077 finally offers a gaming experience on PS5 and Xbox Series at the height of what it should have been at its launch in December 2020. More beautiful, more stable and better optimized than in backward compatibility : those who had waited for the next-gen patch will finally be able to enjoy the adventure in good conditions. But beyond these technical considerations, if patch 1.5 brings some welcome adjustments (more responsive crowd, improved but still perfectible driving and ergonomics...), the title remains globally identical to the PC version despite a less impressive visual rendering. More than a year after its release, Cyberpunk 2077 remains an RPG with a fascinating universe and impeccable writing that remains plagued by immersion-breaking bugs and an artificial intelligence that falls short. Now that CD Projekt has finally honored its promises, we can't wait to see what the Polish studio has in store for the future of its futuristic open-world with new DLCs.
Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5 is the game that PlayStation fans should have been playing in 2020. While it still falls short when measured against the immense expectations that surrounded its release, everything that Cyberpunk gets right is so much easier to enjoy when the game isn't crippled by technical issues. The main story's a thrill ride, the combat's a blast, and Night City is an incredible open world setting. And the best part is that CD Projekt Red finally has a stable foundation to build upon. It took 14 months to get here, but the future of Cyberpunk 2077 actually holds a lot of promise.
Cyberpunk 2077’s long-awaited next-gen console update is here, and the extended wait looks to have been worth it. The Performance Mode corrects all of the poor frame-rate issues in one fell swoop, not to mention the several thousand bug fixes that 14-months and change can bring. There’s even some new stuff to discover, from the ability to purchase/rent apartments to an overhaul of enemy AI. As a reboot of sorts it’s by no means perfect, but it’s now a great foundation on which to deliver more Night City stories.
My recommendations for the developer and for the publisher to play more this game.In case they didn't play video games. They should look forMy recommendations for the developer and for the publisher to play more this game.In case they didn't play video games. They should look for the gamer with some normal/relevant experience in playing video games and ask him/she to give them feedback about their game.And they should just write down all the points he/she will provide.And then these issues need to be fixed. Maybe after that big fix : patch 2.0; patch 3.0;that can be a good game. Nowadys (feb 22. ) Cyberpunk feels raw despite on 1.5 patchIt was made a lot to build this world, but it has to be done more to complete the project.wish CDPR all the best with that!
Cyberpunk 2077's native current-gen version is a slightly more polished version of a game that's still bogged down by significant issues.
The series x version is absolutely beautiful, also extremely fun!!! I had a lot of fun playing this game. I would highly recommend this to anyone!!
Finito il gioco con quasi 90 ore. Innanzitutto è da dire che assolutamente non è un gdr, come non lo è wolfeistein young blood, un gioco non è un gdr solo perché si può potenziare il personaggio. TramaLa storia sembrava avere degli ottimi spunti, sembrava avere delle ripercussioni, dicevano che avremmo causato delle conseguenze con le scelte, e invece? Nulla di tutto questo. La storia finisce con un niente di fatto, personaggi importanti presentati e fatti uscire di scena quasi immediatamente senza poter creare un minimo di collante. La maggior parte del tempo l'ho passato facendo missioni secondarie e poco della trama, quando avevo deciso di incominciare la trama praticamente è finito all'istante. Le scelte che dicevano, sono racchiuse nell'ultima mezz'ora di gioco, ma le varie decisioni non portano a nulla se non a una piccola conclusione assolutamente sottotono. Le quest secondarie poi danno la sensazione di essere parti di storia principale staccate dalla Quest line, così facendo hanno potuto facilmente creare l'idea di aver fatto del secondarie profonde, ma di fatto sono parti di trama monca, perché non è collegata omogeneamente e non porta a nulla. La città non offre attività secondarie se non solo quella di andare in un punto, uccidere chi c'è in quel punto e leggere una piccola storiella che fa capire cosa stava accadendo. E poi tutto i resto delle missioni o incarichi è un copia incolla, vai li, prendi questo oggetto o uccidi quella persona e scappa via. Non c'è una progressione psicologica del personaggio, mercenario era e mercenario è finito. Intelligenza artificiale completamente assente, le gang mi sparano davanti la polizia e questa non fa nulla, rispondo al fuoco e divento ricercato. Poliziotti che si teletrasportano senza inseguimenti. Negozi completamente inutili, vedono qualche bevanda e nulla più. Esplorazione praticamente azzerato, il gioco con tutte le missioni già segnata sulla mappa fanno diventare il gameplay semplicemente una lista della spesa, andare al punto segnato smarcare la missione teletrasportarsi al prossimo punto. La voglia di esplorare il gioco è completamente assente, perché tolte le missioni, l'unica cosa che si può trovare è o un veicolo, ma sono completamente inutili perché o ci si teletrasporta o va benissimo uno dei veicoli che abbiamo fin dall'inizio, una moto è meglio, oppure si trova un'arma, ugualmente inutile perché basta potenziare una propria arma che i nemici muoio con un colpo, esempio ho un revolver con il 100% di critico quasi 200% di danni critici, non c'è più difficoltà. Manca completamente un sistema di reputazione, un attimo prima faccio una missione con una gang, l'attimo dopo ne faccio un altra dove annienta quella gang ed è come se niente fosse. Non c'è nulla che faccia esplorare una gang nello specifico, nessuna Quest, sono solo gang che si dividono la città. Assolutamente deluso dal gioco. Gli do 6 solo perché nonostante tutto questo, ha un ottimo doppiaggio, e comunque lascia quella sensazione che il gioco sarebbe dovuto essere qualcosa di diverso di assolutamente più complesso e bello.
Magnificent, confident and loaded with content that other games do not offer. Such is the action blast called Cyberpunk 2077. All the expectations were more than met.
Overall, I think there’s a lot to like when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077, which has been unfortunately marred by poor performance issues on a number of platforms, and some poor communication (along with some overpromising) on the part of the publisher. It’s clear that a lot of work went into putting this game together, and it’s unfortunate that it had to release in a state that feels a little unfinished. It’s still a game you can very much derive enjoyment from, even in its current state but your ability to overlook open-world bugs and performance issues is certainly going to factor in quite a bit.
Cyberpunk 2077 wasn’t optimized for last-gen consoles, and no amount of interesting side activities can remedy that. On PC, the world lives up to its title as the “City of Dreams.” For Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players, however, their time in Night City is likely a nightmare.
It’s a gorgeous game with a gritty story; sometimes overwhelming or tiring, but nearly always beautiful. It might not reinvent the genre in every aspect, but for a fantastic story, an insanely detailed world, and brilliant dialogue, you’ve got to try it. The achievements will likely take you quite some time, mind: in over 30 hours of playtime, I unlocked six.
The sad truth is that Cyberpunk 2077 is awash with problems. Which makes it all the more miraculous that we were compelled to plod through its litany of tribulations simply to keep experiencing the story, characters, and world that CDProjekt Red has created. Clear away the grit and there remains something special here that’s bound to light up the imaginations of cyberpunk fans. A better option for console players, however, would be to wait for the next-generation versions, which will likely (or should that be hopefully?) look and perform better, and could benefit from whatever retrofits and patches CDProjekt Red sees fit to release based on player feedback in the coming months.
Cyberpunk 2077 tested on Xbox Series X is a remarkable experience, although expectations were perhaps too high for the final result of the game which is not as perfect as we could have hoped.
Cyberpunk 2077 for me is the whole package of what I want from a game like this. Great looking, great controls, great storyline and plenty of choices, content and replay value. This was marked as many players game of the year before it came out. Regardless of the outside noise, I didn’t suffer any game-breaking issues and only a couple of graphical glitches. I am not saying its perfect, but I am saying its wonderfully immersive and addictive. There is a lot here to be impressed with and when the Series X version is released and all the bugs are worked out I am sure more will agree how great this game actually is.
I have never equally loved and hated a game as much as Cyberpunk 2077. When it works, it’s definitely a fun game of sorts, but when it breaks, which it does too often in every sense of the word, it immediately saps any sort of fun from the experience. Worst of all, it wastes tens of hours of your time due to bugs and game-breaking errors. As it stands right now, I wouldn’t recommend playing it for anyone on the base PS4. I did, and I regret absolutely everything.
I’m enjoying every bit of this game. It looks ok and I’ve only had one crash. It’ll take time for other things to improve. I feel likeI’m enjoying every bit of this game. It looks ok and I’ve only had one crash. It’ll take time for other things to improve. I feel like everyone just want to tear CDPR down.
Cyberpunk 2077 offers an entertaining story and a very well constructed world, which is severely affected by its many technical glitches and a lack of depth that leaves it behind compared to other titles of its genre.
Believe it or not, there is fun to be had in Cyberpunk 2077. Night City is an amazing place to explore and parts of the gameplay are kinda fun. But for all the promises and potential of a game that spent eight years in development, is this really it? The Witcher 3 managed to grow into a powerhouse of a game by the end of its lifecycle. Perhaps the same will be said about Cyberpunk 2077 in a year’s time? Maybe.
Jugado en Series X: va estupendo. Luce muy bien para que sea una version de One X. Las mecanicas son buenisimas y la historia como personajesJugado en Series X: va estupendo. Luce muy bien para que sea una version de One X. Las mecanicas son buenisimas y la historia como personajes no te aburren para nada. Night City en verdad se siente viva. No me he topado con bugs mayores, alguno que otro glitch de los que no se salvaron muchos otros juegos grandes con tal carga grafica como RDR2. Si bien, aun le falta pulirse bastante para aprovecharse mejor y le pondria un 8.5 por ello, asi como que le falta el modo online, pero creo que podemos confiar en CD Projekt en que hara estas mejoras conforme pasara el año. Lamentablemente el juego es dificil en equipos bajos o los de vija generacion. Triste por que se esta limitando el poder jugarse este pedazo elde juego.
Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 is a disaster that should have never ever occurred. The developers have butchered the technical condition of the game - the only positive thing about the PS4 version is that you can (with a bit of luck and patience) eventually finish it. There's no doubt CDPR will have to redeem itself somehow. But remember: somewhere underneath the utter myriad of bugs, hides an excellent game.
Cyberpunk’s running time is littered with familiar problems and zero interest in their solutions. It’s a design cluttered with the failings of a hundred other designs. The safe and familiar failings of the medium that can’t be pinned to CD Projekt specifically, but are nevertheless embraced with something that feels like enthusiasm. So I sigh and carry on to the ending of my choice, looking in vain for the actual cyberpunk in a sprawl of contrived and bland sci-fi.
As it stands, I don't think I can recommend Cyberpunk 2077 to you if you plan to play it on a last-gen machine, at least not right now. Based entirely on my own experience of running the game on the PlayStation 5, I still think you might be better holding out until 2021 and the "true" next-gen versions of the game, at which point I've no doubt many of its more glaring issues will have been fixed...For now, Cyberpunk 2077 on consoles - on new-gen consoles, that is - is a good game. It's often a truly great game - one that I've been having a ton of fun with.
Don't believe the hype and 10 points review. On XBX it is a purely unfinished, very buggy, unplayable stuff.Not recommended at the moment.Don't believe the hype and 10 points review. On XBX it is a purely unfinished, very buggy, unplayable stuff.Not recommended at the moment. Maybe months later, but it only will be a mediocre something (maybe).Cyberpunk 2077 - CD PROJEKT RED shame on You with this.
Don't waste your time trying to play this game on your last gen console. It just won't play smoothly despite cdpr gleefully marketing it asDon't waste your time trying to play this game on your last gen console. It just won't play smoothly despite cdpr gleefully marketing it as running surprisingly well on consoles.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game, but it could have been an incredible game that defined a generation. Instead, it falls victim to its own ambition and the industry’s constant desire to push, push, push it out. In its current state, it’s not for the faint of heart, and even hardcore Cyberpunk fans may struggle to stay interested amidst all the crashes and issues. If you have yet to pick it up, wait a few months and you could very well be treated to the experience we were all hoping for at launch.
Plot, characters, gameplay, optimisation and all things that developers were responsible for during the development was done on gloriousPlot, characters, gameplay, optimisation and all things that developers were responsible for during the development was done on glorious level, There are some issues with bugs and performance, but still it is such a miracle that my pc can launch it. Textures and visuals are amazing even on medium settings, so it is clearly understandable why system requirements are so high.
Great game with huge focus on story, characters and world building. I dont remember last time when the rpg story absorbed me so much. YesGreat game with huge focus on story, characters and world building. I dont remember last time when the rpg story absorbed me so much. Yes there are few bugs here are there (playing on ps4pro), but nothing gamebreaking. Usually minor visual glitches. If you like story RPGs this is simply game for you. If the small bugs bother you too much, then this will be a game for you after few updates. But it one the must have eigter way. (sooner or later)
If the game remains relatively playable in its scripted sequences, with a few hiccups here and there, the exploration in the open world is often laborious, even sometimes unplayable. Textures that don't display or are runny, pronounced aliasing, low definition, overdue framerate, freezes, lagging interface, crash ... these Fat versions are a striking proof that Cyberpunk 2077 should have never been anything but a next-gen game.
Cyberpunk 2077 is ultimately a game that is tailor-made for multiple playthroughs. The more skills V unlocks and the deeper they sink into the conspiracies of Night City, the more it becomes clear that this is a game which fans will happily sink their time into, well past the relatively short main campaign.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that feels like a constant emotional elevator. Endowed with a moment of grace capable of making a lasting mark on players and the industry in general, with prospects for deep approaches, which only reveal themselves according to your investment, an incredible staging, writing that's Flawless and jaw-dropping, lovingly crafted, CD Projekt's RPG is as striking in its lack of finish, which is often hard to excuse for a game of this stature.
The problem is that when it works, it works, but when it doesn’t, it really doesn’t. Luckily, the game’s low points like the horrible binary stealth system and the bugs and lack of QoL are either fixable or vastly outweighted by the good bits, and the overall tally still ends up being much higher than the average of many other games out there. That’s helped a lot by the moment-to-moment gameplay, which pays off just as much as the story beats; the movement system lets you climb almost any short object, vehicles are weighty to drive and have fantastic interior and exterior designs, and guns feel properly loud and heavy. It’s story and narrative kept me glued to the screen, and everything – from sex scenes and romance options to Keanu Reeves trying to kill you or help you throughout the game – are remarkably well done. Cyberpunk 2077 is a game crafted with love, and it shows...A remarkably well-executed open world game whose great heights exceed its profound depths.
Cyberpunk 2077 is the game we were waiting for: big, funny, full of quests and with a lot of RPG aspects perfectly integrated in the gameplay. Sadly it has a lot of bugs too.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an engaging experience unlike anything else. The open world mechanics are top notch and there is almost always something to do on the map. Furthermore, we have a large number of different game paths to choose from, all of which give you a very own experience of the story. Combined with the hundreds of weapons, augmentations, upgrades and side missions, there is plenty of material that will last over a long period of time. Cyberpunk 2077 will definitely be remembered as one of the most significant titles in the history of gaming media.
公開日 | 2020-12-09 |
発行 | QLOC, Digital Scapes Studios, CD Projekt Red Wrocław, CD Projekt RED, CD Projekt |
コンテンツ評価 | M (Mature) |
ゲームモード | シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー |
プレーヤー視点 | 第一人者, 一人称, 三人称, 三人称 |
ジャンル | アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), シューター, アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), シューター |
テーマ | アクション, サイエンスフィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス, アクション, サイエンス・フィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス |
プラットフォーム | PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia |