開発元であるFROMSOFTWAREとディレクターの宮崎英高が、「DARK SOULS III」を発表しました!「炎が消え、世界が破滅に向かうとき」。本作では、「DARK SOULS III」の特徴である臨場感溢れるゲームプレイと没入感のあるグラフィックが、ファンだけでなく新規のユーザーにも支持されています。今、残るは "残り火 "のみ......。
Dark Souls III アクティベーション手順
Dark Souls III レビュー&レーティング
love this game i'm yet to play the dlc but i can say with my whole heart that this is a great game and if you love dark souls or elden ringlove this game i'm yet to play the dlc but i can say with my whole heart that this is a great game and if you love dark souls or elden ring you should play this game, its a fun yet hard challenge
One of the best ending to any gaming franchises I've ever seen its sadly lacks the inerconnectivity that the first game has but it makes upOne of the best ending to any gaming franchises I've ever seen its sadly lacks the inerconnectivity that the first game has but it makes up for it in its boss fights.
Great gameplay, great level design.Fromsoft told me that if you do it all the way, you can do it.The play after the second round is alsoGreat gameplay, great level design.Fromsoft told me that if you do it all the way, you can do it.The play after the second round is also excellently prepared. But I'm not happy with the trophies that need multiplayer.
Was not expecting to get as engrossed in the game as I did. After spending 2 hours on abyss watchers on my first play-through, I was startingWas not expecting to get as engrossed in the game as I did. After spending 2 hours on abyss watchers on my first play-through, I was starting to regret picking this game up. I then made a new character and this time carefully traversed through each area, making sure to explore everything. This game ended up being one of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences I've played in a while.
公開日 | 2016年3月24日 |
発行 | Bandai Namco Entertainment, FromSoftware |
総合評価 | 87% |
コンテンツ評価 | M (Mature) |
ゲームモード | シングルプレイヤー, マルチプレイヤー, コーポラティブ, シングルプレーヤー, マルチプレイ, 協同組合 |
プレーヤー視点 | 三人称, 三人称 |
ジャンル | アドベンチャー, アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), ロールプレイング(RPG) |
テーマ | アクション, アクション, ファンタジー, ファンタジー |
プラットフォーム | PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One |