親の試合: Darksiders
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition






聖なる "Charred Council "に引き出されたウォーは、その罪を問われ、力を奪われる。不当な扱いを受け、死を覚悟したウォーは、真相究明と責任者処罰のために再び地球へ戻る機会を与えられる。



Apocalyptic Power - 残忍な攻撃と超自然的な能力を組み合わせた戦争の怒りを解き放ち、あなたの方法に立っているすべての人を壊滅させる。
究極の武器 - 天使、悪魔、地上の武器を駆使し、ウォーの幻の馬ルインに乗って破壊の道を切り開こう。
エピッククエスト - 復讐と贖罪のために、荒れ地や悪魔が跋扈するダンジョンで戦おう。
キャラクターの進化 - 強力な古代の遺物を発見し、あなたの武器をアップグレードし、新しい能力のロックを解除し、あなたのゲームプレイスタイルをカスタマイズする。
天国と地獄の戦い - 戦争で疲弊した天使の軍勢から地獄の恐ろしい悪魔の大群まで、あなたの行く手を阻むすべてのものと戦います。
PS4版、Xbox One版、Wii U版「ダークサイダーズ(怒りの軌跡)」を収録。
瞬時のゲームプレイで60FPS(PS4、Xbox One、PC、WiiUは30)

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition アクティベーション手順

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition レビュー&レーティング

Review by zyllus [user]

This is one of the best Action-Adventure games I have played in a long time. The game is a mashup of different kinds of popular games but isThis is one of the best Action-Adventure games I have played in a long time. The game is a mashup of different kinds of popular games but is done very well while keeping its lore interesting. This story revolves around an End-War between Heaven, Hell, and Mankind which is basically the Apocalypse. The Horseman are tasked to maintain the balance and act as intermediatory between the three factions. The war is supposed to start when Mankind is equally as strong as the Demons of Hell & Angels of Heaven but the war is started prematurely and leaves Earth in ruins, with most humans dead. You are War, the fourth and youngest Horseman who is tasked to find who started the war and got you into this mess. The game is kind of Dungeon based Open World and is fun as well as frustrating at times while exploring. There are limited weapons that keep the game grounded with smooth combat and fluid animations. The lore is quite interesting and keeps you guessing throughout the journey. There is a lot of content and great character moments that you even get to meet in the successive games in the franchise.

Review by bitterologist [user]

It's a decent game and a brilliant remaster of it remaster. It's not very original, but it's a nice blend of Devil May Cry, God of War and aIt's a decent game and a brilliant remaster of it remaster. It's not very original, but it's a nice blend of Devil May Cry, God of War and a bit of Zelda and Metroidvania thrown in for good measure. The controls are somewhat clunky, but serviceable. Combat, while not very deep or precise, is fairly entertaining. And then you get to the spider level, and the whole thing goes belly-up: the environments get exponentially harder to navigate; there are suddenly small enemies that swarm you in ways that have not been the case earlier in the game; and the final boss is frustrating in ways unrivalled by previous bosses. After dying about a bazillion times, I finally gave up on the thing.

Review by zNeverSleeping [user]

Achei medíocre. A premissa é interessante mas o desenvolvimento não. A gameplay não flui tão bem quanto o esperado para um jogo do gênero e noAchei medíocre. A premissa é interessante mas o desenvolvimento não. A gameplay não flui tão bem quanto o esperado para um jogo do gênero e no final a gameplay é resumida em bater e esquivar. Talvez, ao logo do jogo, isso mude. Mas eu particularmente não aguentei e quitei.

Review by VigilanteOito [user]

Superou em tudo em relação ao original.O original é cheio debugs, até meu save corrompeu na epoca em que joguei.Mas este consertaram tudo.Superou em tudo em relação ao original.O original é cheio debugs, até meu save corrompeu na epoca em que joguei.Mas este consertaram tudo.O game é uma mistura de god of war classicos e portal.

Review by BradfootGaming [user]

This is my first time playing a Darksiders game and better late than never. I enjoyed this game a lot. Without playing the original it isThis is my first time playing a Darksiders game and better late than never. I enjoyed this game a lot. Without playing the original it is hard to tell what the Warmastered edition did to improve the game but it looked and played just fine among modern games. There was one really strange bug, the volume meters in the settings are turned all the way down by default so when you begin the game there will be noise from combat but no dialogue or music until you go adjust the volume settings. I had to restart in order to have volume in the long opening cinematics. Once that was adjusted it was smooth sailing. The story was good but it was the gameplay that made the game great. It has a Zelda vibe to it. I liked how a new game mechanic was introduced throughout the game to change the combat and puzzle mechanics as the game progressed.

公開日 2016年11月22日
発行 Nordic Games Group, Kaiko, THQ Nordic
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), ハック&スラッシュ/ビート&アップ, アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), ハック&スラッシュ/ビート・アップ
テーマ アクション, オープンワールド, ファンタジー, アクション, オープンワールド, ファンタジー
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch