Edge Of Eternity




Het is een mystieke fantasiewereld met weelderig groen, uitgestrekte vlaktes, torenhoge bergen en duistere ruimteschepen. Yep. Hoewel het een typische wereld van zwaarden en magie lijkt, voegt End of Eternity een buitenaardse invasie toe aan de mix, die zowel mensen als dieren corrumpeert en ze verandert in harteloze metalen monsters.

Daryon, de roodharige held van het spel, probeert te ontsnappen aan de aanvallen van zijn eigen soort en gaat door Heryon op zoek naar een manier om zijn wereld te redden en zichzelf te definiëren. Maar het lijkt erop dat de Crystals een ander plan in gedachten hebben...

Edge of Eternity アクティベーション手順

Edge of Eternity レビュー&レーティング

Review by Sacapof [user]
11 augustus 2022

Les personnages sont super cool, l'histoire est sympa, mais techniquement à la ramasse. Si ce n'était esthétique ça irait, mais le boss de finLes personnages sont super cool, l'histoire est sympa, mais techniquement à la ramasse. Si ce n'était esthétique ça irait, mais le boss de fin est complètement bugué : j'ai du relancer plusieurs fois à cause du système de déplacement qui ne fonctionnait plus (impossible de valider), ou d'impossibilité d'utiliser les objets, ou d'interface devenue invisible, ou de personnages morts mais toujours debout et impossible de les ressusciter, ou de freeze complet, ... Bref, impossible à terminer, je sais que bcp de gens ne terminent pas leurs jeux, mais pour les personnes le faisant, le minimum syndical ça serait que ça fonctionne !

Review by cid33 [user]
6 mei 2022

Graphics =3 laggy and blurry inconsistent visuals with glitches that can make entire screen flash white at times. Needlessly big world that isGraphics =3 laggy and blurry inconsistent visuals with glitches that can make entire screen flash white at times. Needlessly big world that is empty and takes to long to traverse with vast empty spaces.Character animations are substandard by indie psp game level of standards, facial animations are hideous and creepy.Gameplay =2 allot of gimmicks none especially polished and repetitive puzzles. In battle why do you need to first press R2 then X,X to attack, when other RPGs just press manage with x, repetitive fetch quests that just mark a huge circle on the map that you need to search. Weapons and rewards from quests immediately "10 min later" become replaced making these fetching searching quests unrewarding.Story= 3 unlikeble characters that you just don't care about, story that is kind of bland and forgettable.Sound= 7 Great soundtrack and nice voice acting sometimes unbalanced sound levels like during load times song plays much higher then rest.

Review by Kai82 [user]
3 mei 2022

It is a good RPG but has also some flaws. Because it is not from a AAA developer I will apply less strict standards. Generally I liked theIt is a good RPG but has also some flaws. Because it is not from a AAA developer I will apply less strict standards. Generally I liked the setting, characters, the battle system and art style. On the negative side there are some bugs and a valid statement is that the developer tried to to add too many stuff to the game instead of improving fewer things. I say however that I see no truly bad stuff in the game. The story is set in Heryon. There the people have build a society focused on magic that is based on crystals. Approx 30 years ago the Archilites arrived with their spaceships on the planet. They had highly advanced technology but no magic. First both sides existed peacefully and resources were traded but when the Archilites asked for the magic crystals the people of Heryon refused out of fear to be colonized and suppressed. Soon after this a war started between magic and technology. While at first it looked that the Archilites will win easily the tide slowly turned because the people of Heryon never gave up and adapted everything for victory. However the Archilites used a terrifying final weapon called the corrosion. A biological weapon that turns the victims slowly into machine / organic hybrids. At the present the solider Daryon gets a letter from his sister the priestess Selene that their mother caught the corrosion. After the prologue Daryon deserts to help his sister find a cure. So they travel trough the war-torn lands. The story is good and got me hooked. Not the best but also far from the worst in RPGs. It has some nice twist and surprises. I truly enjoyed the characters. Be it Daryon, Selene, Ysoris, Theia, Fallon, Alpharius, Kora or others. The sidequests are a bit mixed as some are really good like the Umbra side quest line for example while other are more boring like the hunting of standard monsters. There are some bugs like slow downs and graphical glitches like only heads for NPC are visible until you come close enough. I had approx 7 crashes during my approx 60 hour playtrough (Done a lot of side quests and a bit of grinding). None got me lost more than a few minutes so I am not that angry. Graphically the game is a bit outdated but the artwork is nice. The soundtrack is good and the voice actors were well chose. The translation for the text was sometimes a bit off but tolerable. Overall I enjoyed the game a give an 8/10 with small developer bonus. Wont disagree with the others 6/10 ratings here on Metacritic as compared to bigger games with a lot more budget it is weaker but this would be unfair for me.

Review by zdemigodx [user]
3 april 2022

This is for sure an indie game, some UX decisions, some of the crafting decisions, they are really odd for sure. I think this company hasThis is for sure an indie game, some UX decisions, some of the crafting decisions, they are really odd for sure. I think this company has potential though, I really like the characters and while the story for sure took a dive I see what they were going for.I am looking towards the next game, this is an ok first attempt but you this aint it.

Review by Broyax [user]
14 maart 2022

Tiens, étrangement, cette daube est française… je dis « étrangement », car il s’agit ni plus ni moins que d’un Final Fientasy à petit budgetTiens, étrangement, cette daube est française… je dis « étrangement », car il s’agit ni plus ni moins que d’un Final Fientasy à petit budget avec un combat au tour par tour très limité et ennuyeux, copié sur les vieux Final Fientasy et autres japoniaiseries qui se sont faites passer pour des « jeux de rôle » (les J-RPG comme on les appelle !).Ce n’est pas que le combat cela dit, tout le reste de ‘Edge of Eternity’ est aussi copié ou inspiré de ces vieilles fientes moisies des (soit-disant) jeux de rôle japoniais comme les Fientasy finales etc, etc… L’histoire pue du bec (si on peut appeler une connerie aussi générique, une « histoire » !), les personnages sont niais et navrants, les dialogues (uniquement en anglais) affligeants et le monde est dans l’ensemble de fort mauvais goût, clinquant et grotesque à la fois.L’interface est (elle aussi !) héritée des merdes japoniaises et se révèle bien peu pratique à l’usage ; notons qu’on ne peut sauvegarder qu’à des endroits très précis… comme dans les jeux japonais du même acabit… et ne parlons pas des musiques d’ascenseur : encore du copié-collé ! Enfin, graphiquement très inégal, cette daube propose un mode performance sur Series X mais reste incapable de maintenir ses 60 im/s ! les saccades récurrentes nuisent grandement à l’expérience, déjà fort lamentable en soi. Bref, c’est de la merde !

公開日 8 juni 2021
発行 Plug In Digital, Playdius, Midgar Studio
コンテンツ評価 T (Teen)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), インディー, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS), アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), インディーズ, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS)
テーマ アクション, オープンワールド, ファンタジー, アクション, オープンワールド, ファンタジー
プラットフォーム Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S