Hell Pie



Hell Pie は一人用の 3D プラットフォーマーで、プレイヤーはスイング機構に基づく豊富な技を駆使して、ねじれた大きな世界と小さな挑戦的なレベルの組み合わせを探索します。敵との戦い、奇妙なケーキの材料の収集、奇妙なキャラクターとの交流が、ゲームプレイを補完します。我々のターゲット層は、昔ながらのアクションアドベンチャーゲームのファンや、『マリオ64』や『バンジョーカズーイ』といったN64の名作を好んでプレイしていたゲーマーです。現在、このゲームは制作中で、2020年の第3四半期にリリースされる予定です。





Hell Pie アクティベーション手順

Hell Pie レビュー&レーティング

Review by stevRaJah [user]

Swing mechanic rules, the bosses are solid, but the whole game has this defining characteristic that it doesn't build too much around. AlsoSwing mechanic rules, the bosses are solid, but the whole game has this defining characteristic that it doesn't build too much around. Also PS4 performance isn't too great. 13 hour casual play through.

Review by SomosXbox

Hell Pie is a great experience for those who enjoy 3D platform games. It has some things that are not for everyone like its crude humor or that much of the game's design is based on getting collectibles to make you better and more powerful, but in its 8-12 hours of gameplay, Hell Pie manages to be a pretty decent game and in some aspects quite special. Its flaws take their toll, but the final experience is quite good.

Review by bokarsh-z [user]

=======only worth 15 dollar=======-boring lvl design,boring easy enemies and bosses, bad grappling jump and movement ability, u will stuck=======only worth 15 dollar=======-boring lvl design,boring easy enemies and bosses, bad grappling jump and movement ability, u will stuck and get random error crashes not polished need alot of work.-hope he fix those problems its good game.

Review by PC Games

Hell Pie is a entertaining retro-style 3D-platformer with a big amount of humour and an even bigger amount of bodily fluids. The gameplay makes a lot of fun and is satisfying, the levels are very atmospheric, and the game is full of references. For a platformer the level designs and challenges could be a bit more glittering. But people who enjoyed Conker’s Bad Fur Day, will definitely love Hell Pie.

Review by Hooked Gamers

Aside from a few instances where your landings become hard to calculate, this platformer that relies on jumping and movement puzzles largely comes together. I almost expected a game steeped in the depths of hell to be a bit more devilish to its players, but the parts of the game that work as intended are minimally challenging. That’s probably Hell Pie's biggest fault: it doesn't do enough to stand out. This genre of game is having quite the resurgence, and I'm afraid it won't stand the test of time. At the end of my experience, I enjoyed the game as a whole, but a large part of that depended on my need to finish it for review. I doubt it ends up on many game of the year lists come December, but Hell Pie puts forth a solid effort to rekindle the golden age of platformers.

公開日 2022年7月21日
発行 Thunderful Publishing, Sluggerfly
総合評価 90%
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, プラットフォーム
テーマ アクション, コメディ
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S