Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville



Rebuild 3 es un juego de simulación de estrategia con una buena dosis de narrativa y humor negro. Es un juego reflexivo que te hará encariñarte con tus supervivientes antes de enviarlos a la muerte por un bien mayor. A medida que amplíes tu fuerte con nuevos edificios, decidirás entre granjas o fortificaciones, viviendas u hospitales, y tomarás decisiones difíciles para defenderse de los asaltantes, las enfermedades, el hambre y la locura. Y los muertos siguen vagando por las calles, más hambrientos que nunca.

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville アクティベーション手順

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville レビュー&レーティング

Review by g_squidman [user]
10 de junio de 2020

I was a big fan of the first two flash games. This version isn't much different from Rebuild 2, just much more polished. Press "0" to getI was a big fan of the first two flash games. This version isn't much different from Rebuild 2, just much more polished. Press "0" to get turn-based mode, which was how the previous games worked. I like the Civilization type of strategy, and it doesn't require the insane time sink that those games do.

Review by Trey82 [user]
16 de febrero de 2020

Need your zombie empire builder with huge shockwave/mobile game influence?Block by block, you will control this city.You can do it all ~Need your zombie empire builder with huge shockwave/mobile game influence?Block by block, you will control this city.You can do it all ~ slowly. You can learn the game and do it all ~ faster the next time.Might be a tad tedious after a few hours, but set it aside and you'll be thinking about how to finish off this next quadrant, pretty soon.The gameplay mechanics reward you for trying any of the routes to your objective, and its quick to pick up and enjoy. Unless you crank the difficulty up one or two and find that, yes.. its tough. BUT MANAGEABLE!Even if you are fighting off the dead all the time, there is absolutely a solve to every issue. There are strategies you can use in all situations, and they arent brain-surgery to figure out.Enemies on all sides? Limit your sides. Z outside that wall? Take that tile out with everything you got. Or just wait. For a long while. Build around it? Force them to go through enemy territory? Bottleneck them into only coming across the bridges(, should that stage have them) if ya want.Easier on a touchscreen. Very reasonable graphics and performance. Occasionally funny. Decent soundtrack. Even when the game gets predictable, its 'minecraft' predictable ~ you know you have to 'keep digging' and it doesnt get old like so many games do. :)

Review by aaatoysandmore [user]
15 de noviembre de 2016

The proreviewers got it WRONG on this one. It's actually a very fun and can be challenging game depending on your difficulty settings. One ofThe proreviewers got it WRONG on this one. It's actually a very fun and can be challenging game depending on your difficulty settings. One of the few games that has an AI that challenges you. I highly recommend this one. Don't listen to the naysayers they are just jealous that it's such a good game.

Review by
25 de agosto de 2015

Good turn-based strategy with the instant real-time mode switch is maybe very similar to the previous parts but still brings enough new features so even the fans of the series will enjoy it. Yet the main hallmark of the game is the impersonated gaming experience - in other words, this game will grab your heart, even though (or because) it's about zombies and often about desperate survival efforts.

Review by Riot Pixels
17 de agosto de 2015

Even if its strategic gameplay pretty much boils down to figuring out a perfect combination of actions, Rebuild 3 is incredibly addictive.

公開日 5 de abril de 2015
発行 Northway Games, Sarah Northway
コンテンツ評価 T (Teen)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
ジャンル インディー, シミュレータ, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS), インディーズ, シミュレーター, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS)
テーマ サバイバル, サバイバル
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS