Unreal II: The Awakening




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Unreal II: The Awakening アクティベーション手順

Unreal II: The Awakening レビュー&レーティング

Review by BenzoSt [user]

After the amazing first Unreal game, this was a big disappointment. The action is slow and lethargic, the weaponry is conventional, and theAfter the amazing first Unreal game, this was a big disappointment. The action is slow and lethargic, the weaponry is conventional, and the story is dull with dull characters and dull dialogue. The graphics are pretty good for the time, though. And there is plenty of variety to the levels, each of which occurs on a separate planet. Nevertheless, I must emphasize that Unreal 2 was a pretty boring game.

Review by PithHelmet [user]

I gave this a play through again in 2017 and yeah...it's still pretty bad. It's disappointing because Legend Entertainment made Return to NaI gave this a play through again in 2017 and yeah...it's still pretty bad. It's disappointing because Legend Entertainment made Return to Na Pali, which I think took everything about Unreal and made it better. You can definitely tell they wanted to port this later to the Xbox because the level size and number of NPCs per map is extremely limited. My biggest complaint about the actual gameplay is movement speed, since by default it is excruciatingly slow compared to other Unreal games. Type "BeMyMonkey" and then "Setspeed 2" in the console to fix this.Gameplay aside I am most disappointed by the atmosphere. There is absolutely no sense of wonder anywhere like in the original Unreal. Not a single memorable music track, and often the maps will have no music playing and little to no environmental sounds.Some actual good things about the game: The three cheesy members of the crew actually grew on me as time went on. The ending surprisingly actually stirred up a little bit of emotion. The "holdout" portions of gameplay were actually pretty fun. It is a bit like when you set up turrets from Half-Life 2, except more dynamic and strategy based. The story while basic has an interesting twist on the Dorian Grey.

Review by BlackAcidDragon [user]

loved it on the pc, on xbox looked a bit robotic and graphics werent as good as pc and im sure some bits were missing in places like it wasloved it on the pc, on xbox looked a bit robotic and graphics werent as good as pc and im sure some bits were missing in places like it was cut short. but overall think it is a good game.

Review by MikeU. [user]

What is so bad about this game? I don't get it. Yes it is linear, just like half-life 1 and 2, so stop thinking HL is so great, its What is so bad about this game? I don't get it. Yes it is linear, just like half-life 1 and 2, so stop thinking HL is so great, its linear too. I don't exactly see the cliche in the story, I thought it was very original and creative. The weapons were really fun and the voice acting was ok. some parts really scared me quite a few times. This game is probably really cheap now, so get it! But If you can get your hands on the special edition, get that. It has some great multiplayer. Underrated game!

Review by JB [user]

Slow load times after deaths. Caching anyone? Some levels were poorly designed. Got stuck and had to reload in numerous places. Very poor. Slow load times after deaths. Caching anyone? Some levels were poorly designed. Got stuck and had to reload in numerous places. Very poor. The original Unreal was better.

公開日 2003年2月3日
発行 Atari, Legend Entertainment
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, マルチプレイヤー, スプリットスクリーン, シングルプレーヤー, マルチプレイ, スプリットスクリーン
プレーヤー視点 第一人者, 一人称
ジャンル シューター, シューター
テーマ アクション, アクション, サイエンスフィクション, サイエンス・フィクション
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox