Wasteland 3



ウェイストランド2』『トーメント』のクリエイターが贈る。Wasteland 3」が登場!2014年の『ウェイストランド2』と2015年の『ウェイストランド2:ディレクターズカット』のリリースで絶賛された後、ファンは直接的な続編を切望していました。今、私たちはあなたの助けを借りて、それをお届けすることができます!

あなたは、氷に覆われたコロラドの荒野に派遣されたレンジャー部隊、チーム・ノベンバーの唯一の生き残りとしてゲームを開始します。ここは、埋もれた秘密、失われた技術、恐ろしい狂人、致命的な派閥の土地である。デザート・レンジャーズの名は 誰も聞いたことがないあなたの評判はゼロから築き上げるものであり、あなたの選択がこの地を救うこともあれば、破滅させることもあるのです。マクロ反応に新たな焦点を当てた本作では、派閥争いに巻き込まれたり、破壊される場所や保存される場所を決定したり、世界の形に著しい影響を与えるような重大な決断を下さなければなりません。

- パーティベースのロールプレイングゲームで、トレードマークである複雑なストーリー反応性と戦略的な戦闘に新たに焦点を当てた作品です。
- 乗り物、環境の危険、そして刷新されたより流動的なアクションシステムを含むことで、Wasteland 2の深い戦術的なターンベースの戦闘とユニークなエンカウンターのデザインをさらに進化させています。
- 一人でも、友人とでも、ストーリー主導の同期・非同期マルチプレイヤーで遊べます。選択によって、ミッションの機会、探索エリア、ストーリーアーク、その他多くのコンテンツが開放(または閉鎖)されます。
- レンジャー基地はゲーム体験の核となる部分です。地元の人々を助け、コロラドで評判を確立すると、クエストや物語によって、どのように導くかの決断を迫られることになります。
- ゲームの舞台となるのは、凍てつくコロラドの未開の地で、生き残ることは難しく、幸せな結末は決して保証されていません。プレイヤーは道徳的に難しい選択を迫られ、ゲームの世界を変えるような犠牲を払うことになります。
- Wasteland 3』では、『Torment』の著名なライターが新たに書き下ろしたダイアログツリーシステムを活用し、深みのある魅力的なストーリーが展開される予定です。Tides of Numenera』の著名な作家によるものです。
- Windows、Mac、Linux、PlayStation 4、Xbox Oneで同時に発売されます。





Wasteland 3 アクティベーション手順

Wasteland 3 レビュー&レーティング

Review by Tecneek [user]

9.5/10. Amazing RPG/Turn-Based Strategy game. I was looking for something to scratch that XCOM itch that I was craving, and I can confidently9.5/10. Amazing RPG/Turn-Based Strategy game. I was looking for something to scratch that XCOM itch that I was craving, and I can confidently say that Wasteland 3 not only gave me exactly what I was looking for, but it gave me SO much more than I ever expected. It’s now my favorite game of this genre, and the best RPG I’ve played in a while. Think of it like Fallout with the open world exploring and looting, but with a more fleshed out XCOM combat system. It has so much depth and creative choices that I can assure you every playthrough will be completely different. I can’t get over on slept on this game is, and it’s miles better than Wasteland 2 in my opinion, which honestly I didn’t play too much of. Having a full voiced cast makes a huge difference, and I love the story and characters. The developers deserve endless praise for this game, and I’m excited to see what comes next. Do NOT pass this up if you’re looking for a game that has everything I mentioned above.

Review by dryerlaw [user]

Graphics looked like it released in 2012. Gameplay's OK; story isn't as engaging as Wasteland 2. But the biggest issue is the uninspiringGraphics looked like it released in 2012. Gameplay's OK; story isn't as engaging as Wasteland 2. But the biggest issue is the uninspiring visual style & dated textures.

Review by adidab14 [user]

This is a really good game. It has it’s flaws for sure but I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing it. It stays pretty faithful to the genre butThis is a really good game. It has it’s flaws for sure but I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing it. It stays pretty faithful to the genre but I feel like there are some glaring issues that hold it back from being truly great.First, I played this on Xbox One and I can say that it is absolutely easily the most unstable game I’ve ever played. I can’t even count the number of times it crashed on me. I would guess around 30 times but I lost count. This is really unfortunate because this game also suffers from incredibly long load times so each crash results in you just sitting around and waiting for a while. The load times were improved by a recent patch but are still pretty long which can be irritating when traversing multiple levels quickly.Another issue I have with the game is it’s rather odd combat mechanics. There’s nothing really groundbreaking here. It’s very much like previous iterations or other popular tactical turn based games like XCOM. You can sneak attack to open up engagements or the enemy can fire on you first. In either case it results in usually one team taking its turn completely and then the other team reacting. The problem with this is most of the late game enemies hit incredibly hard. Meaning if the enemy team goes first, they can wipe you out or, most likely, decimate your team and leave you with a few surviving members before your first turn. All this results in is a bunch of save scumming until you get the opening that you need to win the fight. It’s an unfortunate side effect of the system they’ve chosen here.On that note, while there are a variety of characters to choose from, I felt like it was always a disadvantage to change out characters as you spend your time making each member of your team a specialist in a few areas so you can cover all fields. When a new member comes in, they are already leveled up to some extent and have their own specialties which can really mess with your team synergies. The result is I very rarely even considered changing members since I already had my specialists picked out and leveled up the way I wanted them. And since there’s no perma death, you can roll with the same team for the entire game without issue. It’s a shame because there are some interesting playable characters you meet later but you just don’t need them by that point.Even with all these issues, I still really enjoyed this game. The story and the lore is rock solid. The choices you make feel like they really matter (and there are some tough choices to make!) and the ending changes drastically based on your decisions. If you are a fan of tactical turn based shooters, don’t pass this up, it’s a great game. Just be ready for some irritating bugs and gameplay mechanics.

Review by XGN

Wasteland 3 is an excellent RPG by keeping the spirit of the original, while also borrowing from Xcom. While the load times get in the way sometimes, there is no denying that you need to play this game if you love a great story with an edge.

Review by SodaLeo1980 [user]

I installed the game just to get some reward points. What a horrible game. Looks like this awful games from Instagram adds, but it’s worseI installed the game just to get some reward points. What a horrible game. Looks like this awful games from Instagram adds, but it’s worse because it doesn’t have adds inside the gameplay. I almost sent an e-mail to Xbox customer service to undo the reward points. I think I got PTSD now...

公開日 2020年8月27日
発行 inXile Entertainment
総合評価 84%
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, マルチプレイヤー, コーポラティブ, シングルプレーヤー, マルチプレイ, 協同組合
プレーヤー視点 バードビュー/アイソメトリック, 鳥瞰図 / アイソメトリック
ジャンル アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), タクティカル, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS), アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), タクティカル, 戦略, ターン制ストラテジー(TBS)
テーマ アクション, サバイバル, サイエンスフィクション, アクション, サバイバル, サイエンス・フィクション
プラットフォーム Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One