Watch Dogs 2





2016年、都市インフラをネットワーク化する先進のOS「ctOS 2.0」が米国の複数の都市に導入され、より安全で効率的なメトロポリスが実現しました。

テック革命の発祥地、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアに住む若き天才ハッカー、マーカス・ホロウェイとしてプレイしよう。悪名高いハッカー集団Dedsecと協力し、悪徳企業の手に渡り、市民の監視と操作に大規模に不正利用されているctOS 2.0の隠された危険性を暴くのだ。

ハッキングの力とDedsecを味方につけ、今世紀のハックを開始し、ctOS 2.0を破壊し、自由を取り戻すのだ!ctOS 2.0を破壊し、自由を取り戻すのは、人々のものである。

Watch Dogs 2 アクティベーション手順

Watch Dogs 2 レビュー&レーティング

Review by MaliPiksi [user]

I loved Watch Dogs 2.The story is fun. The characters are good and unique. It is not as gloomy as the first Watch Dogs so I think moreI loved Watch Dogs 2.The story is fun. The characters are good and unique. It is not as gloomy as the first Watch Dogs so I think more people will enjoy it. Side content was okay.Graphics are great. The game is very colorful and the world has tons of detail. One of the best looking games I have played, the world feels alive.Gameplay is enjoyable. You can hack almost anything, much more than the first game. To some it may be repetitive, which I would agree with, but it gets the job done. Driving mechanics are still very bad, just like the first game. I have to mention that I LOVE the way Marcus moves. The characters moves feel so realistic, the motion capture is amazing.

Review by monirulHaque [user]

After finishing Watch Dogs 1, I immediately started downloading Watch Dogs 2 on Epic Games. I loved the first one. However after playing for aAfter finishing Watch Dogs 1, I immediately started downloading Watch Dogs 2 on Epic Games. I loved the first one. However after playing for a few hours I began to understand that the story in Watch Dogs 2 is lame even though the gameplay and hacking mechanism saw a significant improvement. Also, Watch Dogs 2 is a lot easier than the first one. I had hard times playing the first one on normal difficulty but even in "Realistic" difficulty mode I was completing every missions on Watch Dogs 2 easily. Also, it seemed like the police stopped chasing me after a certain amount of time whereas in the first one the police would chase even for an hour if I could not shake them off. Lastly, I found some bugs that made me exit from the game and start the mission again.Overall, Watch Dogs 2 is a good game with very good gameplay and open world design. But I could not finish it because of a lack of motivation to continue as the story was lame. Otherwise, it could have been a 10/10 for me.

Review by Aaronr90 [user]

I really enjoyed this game, there are many elements of the game that refer to the LGBTQA community this are shown when you go to queers barsI really enjoyed this game, there are many elements of the game that refer to the LGBTQA community this are shown when you go to queers bars and see rainbow sidewalks in the Castro District, also many of the houses throughout the game are adorned with rainbow flags. I think this is important because it shows the queer history in the game.

Review by GatoxGalacticos [user]

A very good game, it runs pretty well on the PC the only problem I had was with the textures that don't get render completely, but it still isA very good game, it runs pretty well on the PC the only problem I had was with the textures that don't get render completely, but it still is a pretty good game, the first minute may be a bit boring but the rest is just extremely fun to play

Review by reketh1 [user]

The game is not a masterpiece, but not **** either. Considering what was vac dogs 1, 2 part is clear horseradish is better than 1 part.

公開日 2016年11月15日
発行 Ubisoft Montreal
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, マルチプレイヤー, コーポラティブ, シングルプレーヤー, マルチプレイ, 協同組合
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, アドベンチャー, シューター, シューター
テーマ アクション, サイエンスフィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス, ステルス, アクション, サイエンス・フィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス, ステルス
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia