親の試合: World War Z
World War Z: Aftermath



World War Z: Aftermath」は、パラマウント・ピクチャーズの大ヒット映画をベースにした究極の協力型ゾンビシューターで、1500万人以上のプレイヤーを魅了したオリジナルのヒット作「World War Z」の次の進化形となる作品です。コンソール版とPC版で完全なクロスプレイを実現し、ゾンビ黙示録の流れを変えることができます。最大3人のフレンドと一緒に、またはAIチームメイトと一緒に、貪欲なゾンビの大群を相手に、世界中のゾンビが跋扈する新しいロケーションで激しいストーリーエピソードをプレイできます。ローマ、バチカン市国、ロシアのカムチャッカ半島。




World War Z: Aftermath アクティベーション手順

World War Z: Aftermath レビュー&レーティング

Review by JumpingJack99 [user]

I am up on this game, it fixes many of the short falls of the original WWZ game of the franchise, and does a good job of claiming that L4DI am up on this game, it fixes many of the short falls of the original WWZ game of the franchise, and does a good job of claiming that L4D vibe without being L4D in detail. I find it a much better spiritual sequel to L4D and Black 4 Blood which lost the emersion experience with all that card drawing mumbo jumbo. I feel there is a little too much RPG element to the game, makes it a bit more overwhelming in terms of complicating the load outs, characters, etc. Making this game a solid 8.5

Review by P10tr3k [user]

It's been a long time since I had so much fun playing a game. Recently I had so much fun playing Dead By Daylight about 2 years ago. ThisIt's been a long time since I had so much fun playing a game. Recently I had so much fun playing Dead By Daylight about 2 years ago. This game rocks and I want to come back to it all the time. So far I'm only playing the campaign, with one friend + two bots. Bots can be disabled in private network mode. The campaign is great. Each act is divided into several episodes. Beautiful landscapes and polished maps. Incredibly huge hordes of zombies to kill. Even bigger than those in Days Gone. And this climate. And what's really cool is the lot of randomness in the game. Sometimes you have to approach the episode several times because it is difficult (we play on level 3 of difficulty 5 - at the beginning I recommend playing on level 1, even if you have already played some FPS), but thanks to the randomness, each episode can surprise you every time. Highly recommend! Fantastic game. P.S. By default, private network mode uses an external server. I recommend enabling the local server option (less ping in my case).

Review by cmfrip [user]

I like the game enough to recommend it : It's good and the shooting is enjoyable : COULD have been an 8 !BUT I - L O A T H -I like the game enough to recommend it : It's good and the shooting is enjoyable : COULD have been an 8 !BUT I - L O A T H - the creative direction of it! The story and characters are dull, and the story text book! I dont rate the music- I turn it off.So I would knock it down to a 7.The rpg aspect is enjoyable - I felt reasonably balanced(i think)though - and that goes with the weapons and shooting.Maps are decent too!There are also dynamics to fights where turrets and other defenses can be placed , as well as drops that boost your xp points, amongst other things...I have also had problems with servers, had some players ruin sessions.Game-engine optimisation issues have also dropped my frame rate at times.

Review by fortigas [user]

El juego es bueno, cumple decentemente con su objetivo que es pasar el rato, no esperes que este sea el gran juego de zombies, que no lo es,El juego es bueno, cumple decentemente con su objetivo que es pasar el rato, no esperes que este sea el gran juego de zombies, que no lo es, es como una expansion del WWZ, creo que en base es algo mejor que B4B, a nivel de mecanica y progresion en el juego, pero creo que no llegara a ser un juego perfecto de zombies o un juego tan memorable como lo fue L4D 1 o 2 en su momento, como dije antes, para jugarlo con amigos en coop unas cuantas partidas esta perfecto pero termina siendo algo repetitivo y en algunas partes diria que o es un problema de traduccion o el señalamiento de objetivos es muy ambiguo, por ejm cuando dice protege tal cosa, Ok, estas ahi protegiendo y de pronto te sale el cuadro que fallaste , y no te enteraste de donde o que paso, como dije son detalles que arruinan la experiencia pero no matan la jugabilidad, dudo que lo arreglen, asi que sera algo con lo que se conviva.

Review by XboxAddict

Simply look at what comes with Aftermath; the two new maps and new class are clearly the highlight and while it runs better on the latest hardware, the asking price seems a little steep for what’s added. Granted, core players can upgrade for about half price ($25.99 CAD), if you’ve previously played World War Z before and was wondering if the latest DLC is going to be enough to change your mind from its repetitive design and grind, Aftermath might be an afterthought. Even so, it’s always fun to fight against a swarm, hoping to survive against hundreds of zeke’s.

公開日 2021年9月21日
発行 Saber Interactive, Paramount Pictures
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, マルチプレイヤー, コーポラティブ, シングルプレーヤー, マルチプレイ, 協同組合
プレーヤー視点 第一人者, 一人称, 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, アドベンチャー, シューター, シューター
テーマ アクション, ホラー, サバイバル, ファンタジー, アクション, ホラー, サバイバル, ファンタジー
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia