親の試合: Half-Life
Black Mesa


Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life: Source



Black Mesaは、Valve Softwareの古典的なSFファーストパーソンシューター、Half-Lifeを再構築したものです。Source Engineを搭載し、ゴードン・フリーマンが登場し、ブラックメサ研究施設での思い出深い旅を再び体験することができます。探索する詳細な環境、膨大な数のキャラクター、実験的な武器に期待しましょう。音楽、声優、振り付け、セリフも一新され、これまで以上に没入感のある体験ができる。


Black MesaのストーリーはHalf-Lifeとほぼ同じで、"Lambda Core "のチャプターまでプレイ可能です。プレイヤーはオリジナル版と同様、ブラックメサ研究施設で働く科学者ゴードン・フリーマンを操作する。彼は、奇妙な物質のサンプルを電磁波測定器に入れることを命じられ、危険環境用スーツ・マークIVを使用して安全にそれを行う。しかし、そのサンプル物質が「共鳴カスケード」を引き起こし、施設は壊滅的な被害を受け、異次元「ゼン」への次元間裂け目ができ、その異質な生物が地球にやってくる。


Black Mesa アクティベーション手順

Black Mesa レビュー&レーティング

Review by WHITESIXOMAR [user]

This remake is a masterpiece! Man, I was a teen when I played half-life, It was a new, life-changing experience! Been trying to come back toThis remake is a masterpiece! Man, I was a teen when I played half-life, It was a new, life-changing experience! Been trying to come back to it a couple of times, but it's impossible for me. Not only for the graphics, but I'm also used to modern standards -even thou revolutionary for 1998- half-life is an unpolished, plane, dated, and boring shooter with almost no gameplay narrative to connect the masterpiece plot. I needed Black Mesa to satisfy this nostalgia.The 1st time I tried the MOD was in 2013 I believe, it was a blast! I remember writing an email to the guys at crowbar collective to thank them for the hard work, I really appreciated their effort. Then I bought the game when it was released on the Steam platform as a stand-alone game around 2017. Man, that was an awesome experience! What a great way to relieve the story that started my deep connection and passion for the games and their lore.But after completing the Lambda Core chapter, when I jumped into the portal instead of taking me into the alien world, I was told that the game was not completed yet. I would have to wait for the final chapter to be released! They did not have the XEN chapters ready yet. OMG, I didn't like that at all, I was frustrated, felt history repeating itself, felt the same way I felt when it was becoming evident that Episode III was never going to be released. A few years went by, and then I saw the Black Mesa definitive edition including the XEN chapters, it was beautiful. You could see the passion, the love, and the hard work these guys put their back into it. I felt the lure, calling me back to complete the story, become the freeman once again and kick the nihilant ass.It was beautiful, I enjoyed it. Man what a Masterpiece. Wish we could see Half-life III someday.

Review by Yrthraz [user]

Fantastic. Tried playing the first few hours of Half Life and it definitely showed its age, fun, but definitely not a modern experience. BlackFantastic. Tried playing the first few hours of Half Life and it definitely showed its age, fun, but definitely not a modern experience. Black Mesa brought a modern touch to that Half Life experience while still keeping the genuine experience of the original game. The only game, whereupon reading reviews, was I encouraged by fans of the original release to play Black Mesa instead, because it is so faithful and well done. I was honestly blown away, and would encourage others to enter the world of Half Life from this vector. It makes a game from 1998 play like a game from 2008, and that is selling it far short of the actual experience.

Review by AlexandrRosca [user]

Black Mesa | 2020 | PC | Played for: 15hA complete remake of original Half-Life in Source engine. It is mainly fan made. The plot and mainBlack Mesa | 2020 | PC | Played for: 15hA complete remake of original Half-Life in Source engine. It is mainly fan made. The plot and main theme is faithful to the original game.The graphics are gorgeous, but nothing extraordinary for 2020, but well optimized.Sound and music are good.Gameplay is mostly a mix of HL1 and HL2, with some wackiness her and there.Overall I would recommend playing this one after completing the Original.Story: 9/10Gameplay: 8/10Graphics/Physics: 9/10Music/Sound: 8,5/10Overall: 8,6/10

Review by Patuzzoz [user]

This games is for everyone who has or hasn't played the original Half Life. Remake aspect of the game feels and looks phenomenal and perfectlyThis games is for everyone who has or hasn't played the original Half Life. Remake aspect of the game feels and looks phenomenal and perfectly fills in the gameplay and visual gaps I had with the original without ruining the immersion.Best part about this remake is the complete overhaul of XEN. Making it more lengthy, interesting and most importantly stunning to look at.The music kicks in at perfect times and enhances the experience immensely. As a remake, this game is 10/10 for me. But as a standalone game, it still falls short as its predecessor. Mundane story, repetitive enemies and poor engine mechanics keep the game from a perfect 10. But based on the remake, it's a 10 for me.

Review by Malditos Nerds

Black Mesa will probably go down in history as one of the most ambitious, successful, eye-catching and exciting fan-made projects. Its value as a remake is very high: it elevates in every respect the original Half-Life by Valve and even adds a lot of content. It is definitely the best way to enjoy this story.

公開日 2015年5月5日
発行 Crowbar Collective
総合評価 88%
ゲームモード マルチプレイヤー, マルチプレイ, シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 第一人者, 一人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, シューター, インディー, プラットフォーム, アドベンチャー, シューター, インディーズ, プラットフォーム
テーマ アクション, サイエンスフィクション, 戦争, アクション, サイエンス・フィクション, 戦争
プラットフォーム Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows)