Fable III


兄弟姉妹がいる人なら誰でも、兄弟姉妹間の対立が現実に存在することを知っています。極端な話、家族をバラバラにすることもあります。もし、あなたの兄が暴君のような王で、その兄を倒して国土を平和にしなければならないとしたらどうでしょう(極端な例ですが)!?Fable III」の主人公は、ゲーム冒頭でそのような状況に置かれることになる。今回はゆっくりとしたイントロはなく、そのままアクションに突入し、オフセットからの選択が旅の結末を左右する。

オープンワールドで展開されるこのアクションRPGは、『Fable II』の物語を引き継ぎつつ、50年後の未来を描いている。Fable IIの英雄の長男(The Hero of Bowerstone)が王冠を手に入れたものの、偉大な王にはなれていないようで、これをどうにかするのはあなた次第です。同盟を組み、革命を起こして、架空の大陸であるアルビオンを、悪党と化した兄貴分ローガンの魔の手から救うために全力を尽くさなければならない。これが最初の仕事だが、そのかなり大きな仕事を終えたら、王国を統治するという小さな問題がある(大したことではない)。そして、楽しみはそれだけにとどまらない。王位についたら、死と破壊に燃えるクローラーや闇の軍勢から王国を守らなければならないのだ。高貴な王となるのか、それとも欺瞞に満ちた暴君となるのか?その選択はあなた次第です。

Fable III」には、ジョン・クリーズ、マイケル・ファスベンダー、スティーブン・フライ、サイモン・ペッグなど、超有名人の素晴らしい声優陣も参加しており(ほんの数名を紹介)、まさに超大作と呼ぶにふさわしい作品に仕上がっている!

Fable III アクティベーション手順

Fable III レビュー&レーティング

Review by NevNav [user]

Bought the game from steam couldnt even get to play it since microsofts account thing would just die on me all time made account but itBought the game from steam couldnt even get to play it since microsofts account thing would just die on me all time made account but it wouldnt regonize it GG 0/10

Review by Sydek93jm [user]

I loved the game's concept of developing your character as a monarch. But the combat system is not funny at all and is what prevents me toI loved the game's concept of developing your character as a monarch. But the combat system is not funny at all and is what prevents me to play this game twice just to see the other alternative ending.

Review by 223kazin [user]

Fable 3 will not "Wow" many players. It's a solid game but has quite a few flaws, but lets start with the pros. The game is quite immersive,Fable 3 will not "Wow" many players. It's a solid game but has quite a few flaws, but lets start with the pros. The game is quite immersive, having very little HUD, and no real menus to speak of. The game looks great and is not very demanding, even on low settings the graphics are still appealing. A short list, yes, but please read the flaws and you'll see why I gave this game a 5~ even though I'm rarely generous with scores. The combat has the right idea, it's engaging, you can flow seamlessly between the 3 combat styles(Guns, swords, magic). Where it falls short is that the combat is not difficult. Even on it's highest difficulty it is still far, far too easy. Dodge rolling provides too many invincibility frames and doesn't have enough of a time frame between when you recover from a roll and when you can attack again. Another problem is the loot system. You're constantly stopping to crack open chests, most of the time, you'll only end up getting a measly 200 gold or gem, rather than clothing/tattoos. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't a 10 silverkey chest in the second town you go to that gives 50,000 gold, which you can then invest into buying up all the property you have access to. When you're making 2000-7000 gold every 5 minutes, it's hard to justify spending as much time as you will digging up loot. The game could also do with a lot less chatter. Be it your butler harassing you while you're changing outfits or you're walking through town getting screamed at by the dozen NPCs that are surrounding you. The game could definitely stand to have a slider to adjust how much banter there is, because it /will/ wear on you, and quickly. Another quirk about the game is that it's tone is all over the place. The story is serious, but your character is a walking jack in the box. You can slaughter an entire town or save little girls, but your talk options are limited to farting in peoples' faces and whistling little tunes. Your one true love is locked up in a tower and one of your driving motivations is to save her, but you can participate in massive orgies. What I'm trying to say is the main story and your actual actions don't...really...mesh well. This is a good entry RPG, but anyone familiar to gaming will have a hard time enjoying this title.

Review by VidsRule [user]

Ofh Fable, you try soooooo hard. But you couldn't possible escape a 7 if your life depended on it. But you are fun. No doubt. Anyways, FableOfh Fable, you try soooooo hard. But you couldn't possible escape a 7 if your life depended on it. But you are fun. No doubt. Anyways, Fable is good, no question. It's fun' It's big. It just never, ever blows me away. I feel like "wow, I'm on a big adventure" but I don't feel like"Omg this is the greatest thing ever!!!" Anyways, play it, have simple fun. I do truly (said it since Fable1) thing it's the most overrated series ever. But it's still fun. Give it a shot.

Review by Gaming Target

So it came to pass that Molyneux's latest epic was brought unto Windows. Though it was a port lacking in polish, with graphics below those of the modern age, the people embraced it as a rarity. Gritty but immature, dark yet not steeped in the occult, it stood out amongst the science fiction and horror-fantasy that dominated the marketplace.

公開日 2010年10月26日
発行 Lionhead Studios, Microsoft Game Studios
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード コーポラティブ, 協同組合, シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), シミュレータ, 戦略, ハック&スラッシュ/ビート&アップ, アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), シミュレーター, 戦略, ハック&スラッシュ/ビート・アップ
テーマ アクション, オープンワールド, ファンタジー, サンドボックス, コメディ, アクション, オープンワールド, ファンタジー, サンドボックス, コメディ
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox 360