親の試合: Fallout 3
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition



Fallout 3: Game of the Year Editionで未来に備えよう。2008年に最も高い評価を受けたゲームをかつてないほど体験しよう。好きなキャラクターを選んで、一分一秒を争う壮大な黙示録的世界へ降り立ってください。


Vault 101 荒野の宝石。200年もの間、Vault 101はワシントンDCとその周辺(現在はキャピタル・ウェイストランドとして知られる)の生き残りの住民に忠実にサービスを提供してきた。2077年の世界的な原子戦争でアメリカはほぼ壊滅したが、Vault 101の住人は外界のストレスから解放された生活を楽しんでいる。巨大昆虫、レイダー、奴隷商人、そしてスーパーミュータントでさえも、Vault-Tec(R)の優れたエンジニアリングには敵わないのである。しかし、ある運命的な朝、あなたが目を覚ますと、父親が監督官に反抗し、理由もわからずVault 101の快適さと安全性を捨てて出て行ってしまったことを知ることになる。唯一の故郷を離れ、父と真実を探すため、あなたはVaultから荒涼とした太陽の下へと旅立ちます。

Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition アクティベーション手順

Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition レビュー&レーティング

Review by Wolfgirl3302 [user]

I originally played Fallout 4 and when I got my PS3 and began my search for a Fallout game, I stumbled upon Fallout 3 and immediately fell inI originally played Fallout 4 and when I got my PS3 and began my search for a Fallout game, I stumbled upon Fallout 3 and immediately fell in love. I found that I liked playing 3 MUCH more than I did 4. Total win for me. Can't wait to try more of the Fallout franchise!

Review by whitespider999 [user]

When this game first came out, this game was a masterpiece. It still is. And if game bugs really annoy you, A: Understand that it's the priceWhen this game first came out, this game was a masterpiece. It still is. And if game bugs really annoy you, A: Understand that it's the price you pay for a bethesda game and B: This is the game to play over new vegas. However since game bugs don't 'bug' me nearly as much as some people (a single game bug or quest hang can put them off entirely) - I still prefer new vegas. It's got more crazy random content.That said, in many regards this game has stood the test of time perfectly. And thanks to modding on the pc, you can play an all new game when or if you ever get tired of skyrim. This is an 8.9/10 now. And was a 10/10 on release. Rounds out to a 9/10 on metacritic.

Review by OliverGrau [user]

Great graphics, great storyline (you choose your own path), you can be, who you want to be. can help who you want to help, kill who you wantGreat graphics, great storyline (you choose your own path), you can be, who you want to be. can help who you want to help, kill who you want to kill, talk you trough stuff.Fallout 3: Game of the year edition is probably one of the best games I ever have played, and ever will play. I would recommend it to everyone, it's worth every coin. - Though there is a lot of problems with it and windows 7-64 bit, I will give it 10 out of 10, I'm playing it on 64-bit, it was hard to get to work, but now I can't stop playing. :)

Review by pickledcheez [user]

This game was the bomb of the RPG genre. Going around, shooting people with your Gatling laser, totally worth the 30 bucks. I would recommendThis game was the bomb of the RPG genre. Going around, shooting people with your Gatling laser, totally worth the 30 bucks. I would recommend this game to anyone because it actually makes sense, unlike Borderlands when you just find a key for a gay Vault, this has a True story. And this is working fine on a Single Core AMD Athlon 3500+

Review by Atech66 [user]

This game kicks ass on every level.Core i7 920,GTX275,6 gigs Mushkin DDR3 and runs beautifully so the people saying quad cores have anThis game kicks ass on every level.Core i7 920,GTX275,6 gigs Mushkin DDR3 and runs beautifully so the people saying quad cores have an issue.. nah.. you may have an issue.Depth of story is been built upon for years and years from FO to NV. this still remains my favorite of the series.. the graphics, environment,NPC's all grab you and pull you in to where you forget yourslef and thats quality.this game is 10/10, 100%, KA award and a legend that stands along with the best ever made.

公開日 2009年10月13日
発行 Bethesda Game Studios, Bethesda Softworks
総合評価 92%
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 第一人者, 一人称, 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), シューター, アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), シューター
テーマ アクション, サバイバル, サイエンスフィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス, アクション, サバイバル, サイエンス・フィクション, オープンワールド, サンドボックス
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360