


Foxhole is a massively multiplayer game where you will work with hundreds of players to shape the outcome of a persistent online war. This is the ultimate game of collaborative strategy and tactics. Every action you take can have a powerful and permanent effect across a vast world in a constant state of war.


Foxhole's goal is to make players truly feel like they are working together to direct the outcome of an open ended war. Some games have attempted to pull this off in the past, but many of the have been hindered by gameplay affecting microtransactions or mechanics that hold the player's hands too much, resulting in wars that feel artificial instead of truly organic and player driven. Our mission is to be uncompromising in delivering this experience.

Our dream is to have hundreds of players working in unison to complete large scale operations that takes weeks to plan. We want players to be setting up supply lines, executing missions behind enemy lines, and banding together to defend key strategic locations throughout the world. These ideas are extremely ambitious, but we are confident that we can achieve them if we work together with the player community over the long term.

公開日 July 27, 2017
発行 Siege Camp
ゲームモード 多人数参加型オンラインゲーム(MMO), 多人数同時参加型オンライン(MMO), マルチプレイヤー, マルチプレイ
プレーヤー視点 バードビュー/アイソメトリック, 鳥瞰図 / アイソメトリック
ジャンル ロールプレイング(RPG), シューター, インディー, 戦略, リアルタイムストラテジー(RTS), ロールプレイング(RPG), シューター, インディーズ, 戦略, リアルタイム・ストラテジー(RTS)
テーマ アクション, アクション, 戦争, 戦争
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows)