Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number



Hotline Miami』(2012年)の続編、サイドクェル、前日譚で、同様のアンロックアブル、暴力的なトップダウンゲーム、80年代のマイアミとモダンな電子音楽の美学が特徴。ストーリーテリングと、現実と虚構の暴力の境界線に、より大きな重点を置いている。


Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Numberでは、オリジナルのゲームから生まれた複数の派閥が、不確かな動機によってエスカレートしていく暴力的な物語が描かれます。ストーリーが交錯し、現実がネオンと殺戮の靄に覆われる中、それぞれの動機と方法を持つ個性豊かな登場人物たちの殺人的な心理に踏み込んでいく。苛烈な戦闘、紛れもないビジュアルスタイル、そして強烈なサウンドトラックが、再びあなたを限界まで追い込み、自らの血への渇望を問うことでしょう。

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number アクティベーション手順

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number レビュー&レーティング

Review by dirceusoaresjr [user]

Um pouco abaixo do primeiro título, mas ainda assim, muito bom. Destaque mais que especial para a trilha sonora que é sensacional (vindo deUm pouco abaixo do primeiro título, mas ainda assim, muito bom. Destaque mais que especial para a trilha sonora que é sensacional (vindo de alguém que não gosta de música eletrônica), tanto quanto a primeira..

Review by bdurmaz [user]

HM2 is maybe worse than its predecessor, but I still don't understand the hate. This is still as addictive.Especially those who say theHM2 is maybe worse than its predecessor, but I still don't understand the hate. This is still as addictive.Especially those who say the plot is "a mess", like the first one wasn't. You can explore the magnificent plot that is not given but has to be taken by the player.

Review by Ridash [user]

If you like being shot from the other side of your screen on each and every level feel free to buy this game. Not even the amazing soundtrackIf you like being shot from the other side of your screen on each and every level feel free to buy this game. Not even the amazing soundtrack and interesting storyline can save this horrific level design ****

Review by CD-Action

It’s not that I regret those couple of hours I spent with Wrong Number, but for every advantage there’s a drawback, for every ‘I had fun’ there’s a ‘but’ and for every ‘wow!’ there’s a ‘meh’.

Review by Softpedia

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a great sequel. It innovates just enough to feel fresh but, unfortunately, takes a bit of player freedom away through its fixed characters.

公開日 2015年3月10日
発行 Devolver Digital, Dennaton Games, Spike ChunSoft, Abstraction Games
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 バードビュー/アイソメトリック, 鳥瞰図 / アイソメトリック
ジャンル インディー, インディーズ, シューター, シューター
テーマ アクション, アクション
プラットフォーム Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Mac, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S