親の試合: Pokémon Yellow
Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!




元気いっぱいのパートナー、ピカチュウと一緒に関東地方でポケモン™の旅をして、他のトレーナーとのバトルでトップポケモントレーナーを目指しましょう。Joy-Con™コントローラやPoké Ball™ Plusを使えば、投げ技で野生のポケモンを捕まえることができ、光ったり、振動したり、音が鳴ったりして、冒険を盛り上げてくれます。2つ目のJoy-ConやPoké Ball Plus(別売)を使えば、1つのシステムで家族や友だちと2人プレイで冒険を共有することも可能です。さらに、対応するスマートフォンで『Pokémon™ GO』アプリと連携し、関東地方で発見されたポケモンを呼び寄せることも可能です!多様で活気のある関東地方を探検しよう!ゲーム内には実物大の野生ポケモンが生息しているので、本物のポケモントレーナーのように、動きとタイミングとポケボール™をうまく使って捕まえましょう。お気に入りのポケモンと一緒に、Poké Ball Plusでお散歩しましょう。Pokémon GO」*に直接接続すると、関東地方のポケモンを受け取ることができます。

Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! アクティベーション手順

Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! レビュー&レーティング

Review by Nick_bs [user]

These are enjoyable games for what they are. We could've done without another Kanto remake, but Game Freak made it really pop in full hd andThese are enjoyable games for what they are. We could've done without another Kanto remake, but Game Freak made it really pop in full hd and Kanto looks the best it has ever looked, and some places look downright fantastic to look at. One new feature I really enjoyed was the overworld Pokémon. The battling is what you expect in a Pokémon game but much easier. Following Pokémon are back which is always welcomed and riding on the back of a Charizard or having a shiny follow you is really enjoyable. The one thing I'm not a fan of is the catch mechanics, it does take a lot away from the games. Othereise I really enjoyed it.

Review by MarboYT [user]

While this is a neat idea which is merging Pokemon Go and Pokemon Yellow together I think Lets Go is more of gateway for Pokmeon Go fans toWhile this is a neat idea which is merging Pokemon Go and Pokemon Yellow together I think Lets Go is more of gateway for Pokmeon Go fans to become regular Pokemon fans. Gamefreak didn't put as much effort into this as they should of. While the game is fun to play in my opinion this is 4th Underwhelming game in a row (X&Y, Oras, US&M, LGP&E)

Review by GameGrin

Overall, I did have a blast playing Pokémon Let’s Go Eevee. I did like visiting all the cities of the original Pokémon games again and seeing all the original Pokémon. However, I really did not like how they changed how you capture Pokémon and I did not like the setup of the Pokémon boxes. For those who want to play this game for nostalgia reasons, I would recommend waiting until a sale comes out before purchasing. For newcomers to Pokémon, this is a really good introduction into the world of Kanto.

Review by Nowl [user]

Pokemon Let's Go Casual. Pokemon has been getting easier and easier over time and this is the pinnacle. Catching wild Pokemon isnt even aPokemon Let's Go Casual. Pokemon has been getting easier and easier over time and this is the pinnacle. Catching wild Pokemon isnt even a challenge anymore. No need to weaken your target, just spam balls with amazing motion control... Want to evade wild pokemon to have a challenge in gyms? Nope, you NEED to fullfill certain requirements to enter a gym, aka to have a totally easy time and no challenge. Stay away from this.

Review by Latias4Ever [user]

I originally intended on submitting a full review here, however I went way over Metacritic's limit of 5000 characters, going up to 52016I originally intended on submitting a full review here, however I went way over Metacritic's limit of 5000 characters, going up to 52016 characters in total. I've uploaded the review elsewhere, however, on Twitlonger, which you can access at the ID "n_1sqpbup" (just do /show/n_1sqpbup on Twitlonger). You can also access the full review on Pastebin, with the ID "KmMn5i64".In this post, I'll leave my closing words on the review, giving my final view on the game, however I recommend reading the full review so you can get a much clearer idea of where it all comes from."Let's Go is... A pretty disappointing entry in the franchise, especially compared to the other main games. Players who never touched the franchise, or haven't in a long time might enjoy it, but players who have played the other games a lot will likely be disappointed by how lacking it is. There were a few moments where I enjoyed it, like how open Kanto was in comparison to the previous versions, the following Pokémon, and even shiny chaining, but that's all minor compared to the frustrating catch system, the lack of difficulty, and the stripped features such as wild battles, Abilities, Held Items, and so many moves. Only having the original 151 Pokémon (and Meltan and Melmetal) also made it much less enjoyable. Even if Kanto might not have many post-Gen 1 Pokémon in the wild, not being able to transfer many of my post-Gen 1 Pokémon from Go was really disappointing.It's not a bad game, in and of itself, but we're facing the same situation as we did when Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity showed itself: It's not a bad game, it's a bad Pokémon game, and I do dare say it's the worst Pokémon game I have ever played. I've played every main game at least twice, but with Let's Go, I struggled to find myself willing to finish it, especially when Smash came out. But alas I did, and I doubt I'll play it a second time.--- Score ---Music: 6Graphics: 6Story: 4Gameplay: 3Average: 4.75Final Score: 5"

公開日 2018年11月16日
発行 Nintendo, Game Freak, Digital Works Entertainment
コンテンツ評価 E (Everyone)
ゲームモード コーポラティブ, 協同組合, シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 バードビュー/アイソメトリック, 鳥瞰図 / アイソメトリック, 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, アドベンチャー, ロールプレイング(RPG), ロールプレイング(RPG)
テーマ オープンワールド, ファンタジー, キッズ, オープンワールド, ファンタジー, キッズ
プラットフォーム Nintendo Switch