The Godfather II



マイケル・コルレオーネからニューヨークのドンに昇格したプレイヤーは、新たな都市に進出し、アメリカ最強のマフィアファミリーを目指して、企業への恐喝、違法犯罪組織の独占、新たなファミリーの打倒など、ファミリーを築き上げていきます。ゴッドファーザーII』では、プレイヤーの帝国経営を支援するため、「ドンズビュー」という革新的な戦略メタゲームが導入されており、プレイヤーは全世界を見渡しながらファミリービジネスを発展させることができる。プレイヤーは「ドンズビュー」を使って、ライバルファミリーの動きや計画を把握しながら、犯罪組織を構築、防衛、拡大することができます。また、プレイヤーは、メイドマンのファミリーを作り、クルーを雇い、命令を下し、優秀な部下を昇進させることで、組織犯罪のビジネスをマスターすることができるようになります。ゴッドファーザーII』は、素晴らしいオープンワールドを舞台に、前作で好評だったゲームプレイの仕組みを発展させ、シリーズの特徴であるブラックハンドコントロールスキームを倍増させたもので、新しいコンボシステム、圧力戦術、処刑方法を導入し、指先の感覚に訴える手による残虐行為をさらに強化した。ゴッドファーザーII』では、プレイヤーはそれぞれのスキルや専門知識を持った選りすぐりのクルーと共に戦います。ファミリーのメンバーはそれぞれ、解体、放火、エンジニアリング、応急処置など、特定の分野に特化しています。ドンとしてファミリーをコントロールし、何人かの部下をミッションに送り込み、他の部下と行動を共にする。戦略的な組織犯罪のゲームプレイと残忍なブラックハンドアクションの組み合わせは、他のオープンワールドのゲームとは一線を画すものです。The Godfather IIのオンラインマルチプレイヤーモードをプレイして、真のDon of Donsを目指そう。シングルプレイで得た資金、武器、仲間をオンラインに持ち込んで、世界中の最大16人のプレイヤーとマフィアの抗争を繰り広げよう。ファミリーのクルーのスペシャリストとして、最高の戦略を駆使して領土を占領し、ライバルに反撃しましょう。シングルプレイで使用できるアップグレードや資金を獲得しよう。

The Godfather II アクティベーション手順

The Godfather II レビュー&レーティング

Review by Kervin619 [user]

Unlike the previous game. The second Godfather game called Godfather 2 takes place during the events of the second movie of the same name. TheUnlike the previous game. The second Godfather game called Godfather 2 takes place during the events of the second movie of the same name. The game now focuses on Dominic Corleone just like Aldo Trapani the first default protagonist of the Godfather games and the man who became Don of New York. Dominic can be customizable and it even has more outfits and accessories in the game. The combat is not really similar to the previous game but it has more combo moves in-game even it did have a move list and it even has more satisfying black hand brutalities which are also known as executions or Blackhand Executions and more absolutely new animations. The detail in the game is almost amazing which shows more realisticness even though there are not enough fun things to do. The combat was both realistic and absolutely fun. What is even more fun is that you can try to kill an army with just bare hands. Of course, when used carefully. It has side missions and hitman mode to grind up the fun and preparation. The story is almost just like the movie like I said before a director’s cut extends more of the scenes from the movie. And the best part of this game is that I get to hire recruits as my allies and followers to fight against enemies which also features protection rackets to help fight against invaders.I really love this game that I really wanted to play a long time ago. And I wish there is another game for Godfather 3.

Review by mr-NachoMen [user]

The Godfather 2 the game is an adaptation of the film to a game and it is a direct sequel to the first game, telling a story of it's own.The Godfather 2 the game is an adaptation of the film to a game and it is a direct sequel to the first game, telling a story of it's own. Compared to the first game this is a far better game that learned from the mistakes from the first game making it a huge improvement... but is it perfect? let's check it out.As mention above, the game tells an original story and it crosses between scenes from the film. In the game the player plays as Dominic, a member of the Corleone family who's been left in charge of taking care of the family's businesses, just like in the first game, the story is interesting and good, in terms it's a bit shorter than the first game but interesting.For the gameplay mechanics the combat made a huge improvement, hand to hand combat and gun combat, now the bullets hits the enemies (something that in the first game was rare), precision is far better, enemies are more balanced and... well... in general the combat is enjoyable!!! the game is an open world style of game, now the story and game don't take place just in New York... it expands to Florida and Cuba offering more variation in environments.Racket take down has returned from the first game, but now it's more fun, it consist of taking over rival family businesses, once you control all the rackets you can take their compound and eliminate that family from existence, In the first game this was optional and by taking rackets you earned more money to buy upgrades, here it works the same, you can buy upgrades to get stronger and buy upgrades for your crew... this is something i will mention shortly, still this rackets are still optional but there's a new addition in this racket take down, now rival families can take back rackets you take from them, this is something that didn't occurred in the first game, and because of this a new addition was added which is "crew members" the player will be able to recruit members to his family that can assist you into combat when things got a little tough, this members had their abilities that makes them useful to create different approaches to engage in combat, at the same time you can send them to take rackets by their own or the defend them, as mention with the money you earned you can upgrade your crew to make them stronger for combat, all this adds a little implementation of RTS style of gameplay to plan your attacks and defends.During the game the player will find weapon upgrades for more firing power to take down enemies even faster, you can add weapon upgrades to your crew but for this you need a "Gun Licence" and this can only be obtained in only multiplayer which by the way is totally dead.You can customize you outfit and you crew outfit as well.Certain rackets will unlock useful upgrades that can only be obtained when taking over rackets like, bulletproof vests, bulletproof cars, extra ammo, and more money.The game runs well in modern OS, i had no problem making it run in Windows 10, (something that was a big issue with the first game and i had to play it on another PC running Windows 7), no need to install custom patches or community mods or anything like that, just install and play... well, you will only need a patch for the activation key but only that.Now moving fast with the not so great stuff... The Godfather 2 suffers some technical issues like NPCs or crew members getting stuck in invisible walls, sometimes your crew members AI won't be to efficient and you will end off being their babysitter so they won't get injured in combat, sometimes you will be driving and the car will got stuck in the floor and once you get down from the car this will disappear from existence.Character models looks like if they were made out of plastic, which is something that surprise me, because Visceral Games made this game and the year prior to this game they released Dead Space which still looks pretty good for today.Mission design is the same in every mission, Drive here, talk to someone and then drive again and kill someone and repeat.The Godfather 2 is a huge improvement over it's predecessor, adding new mechanics and redefining old ones, visually looks bad, it's a shame, and it mission design it way to repetitive and Ai is a bit silly, but it is an enjoyable game after all.Should you play it? sure, why not? It's a shame that this game is not available on STEAM, GOG or ORIGIN, your only option is buy it on Ebay pre-owned but well.

Review by JaydenPickens [user]

Love this game. The incorporation of strategic elements to the GTA style of gameplay was the best idea. It makes the game unique as none otherLove this game. The incorporation of strategic elements to the GTA style of gameplay was the best idea. It makes the game unique as none other tried it so far, which makes me sad. Pickens approves!

Review by TheUnbeholden [user]

Its pretty much like the previous game, except reskinned to look like the 50's. They should have remade everything from scratch but instead weIts pretty much like the previous game, except reskinned to look like the 50's. They should have remade everything from scratch but instead we have the same average looking graphics, repetitive side missions. Decent gameplay, the gunplay is your standard fair but the improvements here is being able to overview the city what stores and businesses can provide something for the family and new made men to recruit into the family. The melee combat is a bit better than before which adds a series of combo's. While this sounds good what lets it all down is the game is ridiculously easy. Theres health potions that fall from every enemy you kill and your health regenerates. You can take over the city on your own you don't even need any made men to come with you...Multiplayer is terrible. Its wasted potential.

Review by PC Gamer

The Godfather II doesn't trip over the ambition of its design - it balances the different genre aspects extremely well - but nagging graphics issues weigh it down, causing quest characters and family members to disappear or distort in-game and in cutscenes, sometimes requiring me to load old saved games to progress.

公開日 2009年4月7日
発行 Electronic Arts, EA Redwood Shores, 1C-SoftClub
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード マルチプレイヤー, マルチプレイ, シングルプレイヤー, シングルプレーヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称, 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, シューター, レーシング, アドベンチャー, シューター, レース
テーマ アクション, アクション, ドラマ, ドラマ
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360