Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint



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元米軍兵士で構成される "ゴースト "部隊 "ウルフ "が島を支配していた。ノマドの元戦友で、ジョン・バーンスタイル演じるコール・D・ウォーカー中佐が率いる彼らは、スケルのドローンを殺人マシンに改造し、犠牲者が出ても構わないという覚悟で使用していた。ノマドとゴーストは偵察任務で派遣されるが、ヘリコプターを撃墜されてしまう。負傷し、支援もなく、追い詰められたプレイヤーは、生き残るために戦い、ウルフを倒し、オーロラの支配権を取り戻すために、激しい軍事体験をすることになる。

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint アクティベーション手順

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint レビュー&レーティング

Review by mistamiiDE [user]

After a rather disappointing familiarization, I really enjoyed Breakpoint in Single Player. 350 hours of playtime.Graphically a masterpieceAfter a rather disappointing familiarization, I really enjoyed Breakpoint in Single Player. 350 hours of playtime.Graphically a masterpiece by Ubisoft. The huge map promises some variety in terms of terrain and the day and night rhythm really creates atmosphere. The game should be played in unguided mode on hard, then it feels very immersive and is big challenge and forces you to use the many different classes and their diffrent advantages.Biggest criticism:Ubisoft had to release quite a few patches before the game really became a serious competitor to its predecessors.If you want to play it, be sure to buy the Year One Edition.

Review by Jordancw97 [user]

A bit rough around the edges but actually a very fun and engaging sandbox, worth a shot if you think it would be your type of game.

Review by TheHulksRage [user]

I’m giving this game the least I can give it due to it REQUIRING an internet signal constantly just to play and it will keep kicking you ifI’m giving this game the least I can give it due to it REQUIRING an internet signal constantly just to play and it will keep kicking you if that drops even a little! I have spoken.

Review by PlayStation Country

At its best, Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a taut and tactical shooter that works brilliantly in co-op and is genuinely enjoyable to play but at its heart this is just another sandbox shooter and one that doesn't meet the technical standards we're used to from Ubisoft.

Review by

Compared to its predecessor, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint offers mainly more possibilities for creating fun and exciting momens with friends. The flaws and bugs are offset by Ubisoft’s promise to continuously deliver new content for Breakpoint over the next few years. The French company has demonstrated with Rainbow Six Siege and Ghost Recon: Wildlands that they are committed to supporting their games for a long time, so there is a good chance that Breakpoint can play a lot better on your own in a year.

公開日 2019年10月4日
発行 Ubisoft Paris, Ubisoft Odesa, Ubisoft Bucharest, Ubisoft Kyiv, Ubisoft Montpellier, Ubisoft Bordeaux, Ubisoft Milan, Ubisoft Belgrade, Ubisoft Entertainment
コンテンツ評価 M (Mature)
ゲームモード コーポラティブ, マルチプレイヤー, シングルプレイヤー
プレーヤー視点 三人称
ジャンル アドベンチャー, シューター, タクティカル
テーマ アクション, オープンワールド, 戦争, ステルス
プラットフォーム PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia